Today erev Shabbos, I had a bit of inspiration as I was walking amongst the trees and flowers.
Here in E"Y everything is green, and the flowers prove that spring is here. I don't know if this exists in the U.S., but here we have a type of thorn bush, that in the spring it is green like all plants, and I noticed a pretty purple flower in side of it's buds. All around this flower were the soft spear-like thorns that in a few more months, when this plants dries out and turns brown, these thorns will be as sharp and painful as any razor sharp sword. But, now the green "thorns to be" projectiles are harmless.
I contemplated for a moment, and in fact this was after reading "Be Holy's" post today.
Here is an attractive green plant, with a beautiful purple flower inside. It really appears to be a plant that I would like to own and perhaps enjoy to look at from time to time. BUT, what happens with time? As the heat of the summer months approach, this beautiful flower disappears completely. The green goes away as well, and the seemingly harmles soft projectiles turn into razor sharp swords that can draw blood.
Yes, in the beginning it appears to be a beautiful purple flower, BUT, if we continue to look at it, at it's beauty, then as the HEAT of the summer comes along, (the heat of our lusts), then it all turns into what it really is: A dangerous sharp thorn bush with daggar sharp ends.