I fell after a long clean streak, in large part because I got complacent. I have seen others fall, after much longer clean streaks than the one I had. These falls where also in large part because of complacency. I want to make my fall something that brings good to the 'family'. I want to compile a list of questions to ask ourselves to test our level of complacency.
For example "Do I think I can use the internet without a filter?"
If I say "NO" then I am in good shape. If I say 'yes' or 'maybe' then I am in trouble.
So the question I would like everyone to please ask themselves is- what do I think when I get complacent?
I hope to compile a list and post it somewhere. Maybe people can answer the questions to there partners and then get feedback. Or we could review it once a week or so to see where we are holding.
So far my questions are
1. Do I think I can use the internet without a filter?
2. Do I think I can use it late at night?
3. Do I think I can use it when no one is around?
4. Do I think I can use it for more than a half an hour straight?
5. Do I think I can stop focusing on growing and looking to do for Hashem?
Guys, please help me with more. Much thanks.