To open this thread I will quote a post from R' BenHashemBH on a different thread, and then ask my question.
"Tanya near the end of perek zayin (6th of Teveis in the daily schedule).
In English:
Yet the vitality which is in the drops of semen that issued wastefully, even though it has been degraded and incorporated in the three unclean kelipot, nevertheless it can ascend from there by means of true repentance [a lower level than the repentance from love that is needed to transform other sins into merits - see earlier in the perek] and intense kavana during the recital of the Shema at bedtime, as is known from the Arizal and is implied in the Talmudic saying, "He who recites the Shema at bedtime is as if he held a double-edged sword . . .," wherewith to slay the bodies of the extraneous forces that have become garments for the vitality which is in the drops of semen, so that this vitality may ascend, as is known to the students of Kabbalah. "
Now here is my question, assuming I don't talk for myself.
When I read this post I was thinking, "really? is that really true? does it work for real? I'm sure not everyone agrees" and the like.
And it bothered me.
Why are we so much quicker to believe and feel the negative things, like the gravity of MZ"L, yet when we hear something positive and comforting we doubt it and have a much harder time internalizing it.