It’s up to you what’s considered a fall and what isn’t. Some people only consider a fall if they ejaculate. Others consider it a fall any time they touch themselves and give themselves an erection. At the end of the day, whatever you decide, recognize that keeping track of your streak is just a tool in your recovery. It’s not the be all and end all.
For example, if someone look at scantily clad women in lingerie ads every day for a year, but don’t look at P and M, they haven’t fallen (at least not the way I keep track). That being said , are they doing well in recovery? Definitely not. In contrast, Somebody who watches full blown p once every other month, but is otherwise totally clean is in a better place than the guy looking at lingerie every day.
On that note, as far as our brain is concerned, there’s nothing magic about P. In other words, lingerie adds, or playing with self but not reaching O, still strenghten the neuropathways of your addiction. Just the chemical dose is less than hardcore P.
Try to look at your recovery holistically. Wishing you much success! We got this!