sonicReducer wrote on 04 Jan 2010 17:16:
I don't fit in very here - I'm too 'modern' for a chareidi girl, but too chareidi for a modern girl, so it's been hard meeting girls that are shayich.
If you haven't been told this before, this is a pretty common issue.
One thing is to list exactly what your expectations are rather than any terminology (modern vs charedi) to whoever is setting you up.
For example, say that you have no intention to ever have TV in your home, but you read the newspaper.
You plan to learn x hours a day and work y hours a day.
And then keep in mind, more often than not, the shadchanim and even friends that set you up will misjudge these kinds of details. So you may want to date people that don't necessarily meet the criteria -IF- your friends or shadchanim think its okay match anyway.
And as you already recoginzed having an Attitude that you don't fit in is detrimental.
You already realized that you don't fit into the goyishe world by coming here... so you should fit it in ANYWHERE in the world of yidden.