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What's the consensus of non-jewish music here?
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TOPIC: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 2198 Views

What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 06:34 #39297

  • Kollel Guy
I would imagine that it's full of triggers, and is therefore a basic no-no for frum addicts...
Last Edit: by him9494.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 06:48 #39303

  • habib613
what do you care if you don't listen to it?
i don't either listen, bederech klal.
but i have heard some non-jewish music lately that surprisingly isn't full of triggers.
Last Edit: by akakboy.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 09:05 #39329

  • Kollel Guy
I have not listened in a long time, like a few years. And suddenly it popped up again in my life now.
I also happen to be purifying myself from this addiction - for the first time now.
I'm just curious if the two might be related, or if there's an existing opinion on the matter from the rest of the olam here.
I like it very much, but if I knew I HAD to, I'd stop no problem.
It's just that I'm sort of apprehensive about restraining myself in too many areas.
You want to work on the important things, and not jepoardize your success in them because of trivalties.
Last Edit: by joescott.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 10:54 #39341

  • kanesher
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Odd, KG - I feel the same way. I feel like on the road to recovery I've let out some of my repressed self - so I'm avoiding the stuff that's triggering, or Kol Isha...
Last Edit: by elilooney.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 11:18 #39352

I think that most of it doesn't have triggers, especially in the rock genre. Although there are some notable exceptions.

Overall, though, while I LOVE music, and do listen to non-jewish stuff, it's not something I think is absolutely wonderful for me. But at the same time, I don't guilt-trip myself about it - right now, I've got bigger fish to fry.
Last Edit: by onsmo.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 12:23 #39419

  • ark321
  • Fresh Boarder
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I think that this subject is about as relevant to GYE as is, "Should Airport Security Get Tougher?". So in the layman's terms, I don't think it affects the issue one bit.
Last Edit: by xmawisa.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 12:54 #39446

  • levite
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i actually think that this is very relavant, for i think the path i followed out of frum life and into the "world out there" + all it its trailings i.e p***, was through non-jewish music, i am crazy to this day over specific songs, though i dont listen anymore, to some1 who's life is music, and lets face it "anovim" however beautifull cannot touch the feelings that n-j music can for the basic reason that our music is in golus by the gentiles and we have the dregs at the end of barrel while they have the cream. and these same feelings giva/gave me the fix that i as an addict needed love/affection/bla bla listen to the music. 
Last Edit: by gjcfv.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 13:15 #39454

  • Lamplighter
ark321 wrote on 29 Dec 2009 12:23:

I think that this subject is about as relevant to GYE as is, "Should Airport Security Get Tougher?". So in the layman's terms, I don't think it affects the issue one bit.

I respectfully differ... a great deal of non-Jewish music is composed of "love songs" with lyrics about romantic love, not the real lasting kind, and are filled with immodesty, hardly ennobling to us here at GYE. Music can effect the neshama without our even realizing it.
Last Edit: by g2024.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 14:32 #39495

And some songs by otherwise great and even inspiration groups have horribly explicit lyrics. For them, it's a joke, it's cute. For us, it's a churban.
Last Edit: by mqondisi.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 15:12 #39517

  • jerusalemsexaddict
I'm with ark on this one.
Do you guys really think this is the problem?
This is like number 100 on the list of things to take care of with our addiction.
Last Edit: by tegedi.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 16:03 #39539

  • habib613
i guess it really depends on the peron. but i'm with:ark321 wrote on 29 Dec 2009 12:23:

I think that this subject is about as relevant to GYE as is, "Should Airport Security Get Tougher?". So in the layman's terms, I don't think it affects the issue one bit.

maybe for some people it is triggering though.
Last Edit: by didyougiveitallyougot.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 16:19 #39547

  • theone
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i agree with ark. oh and habib, ur changing pictures like me changing clothing...
Last Edit: by jimmeee.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 17:24 #39595

Pet rocks are great. When I take mine for walks, though, they sometimes try to bite people.
Last Edit: by Scared2death.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 19:20 #39642

  • jerusalemsexaddict
Nothing beats the GYE Boys Choir though!
Last Edit: by energeticunicorn05.

Re: What's the consensus of non-jewish music here? 29 Dec 2009 19:21 #39644

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Non-Jewish music is filled to the brim with sexual innuendos and suggestive phraseology.

Even the beat, the way it's sung, the movement of the singers, it's all one big trigger.

More than half the power of "their" music is the sexual energy hidden inside.

To any addict who values his sobriety, I would switch to Carlbach.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 29 Dec 2009 19:25 by gleefulgoldfish33.
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