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What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah?
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TOPIC: What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah? 776 Views

What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah? 28 Dec 2009 01:09 #38739

Nu, my hunch is that tefillah (which coincides with all/most of the 12 steps) made the last slip into the last slip, for now at least. the question is how strong that tefilah was. Additionaly, add your story (or excerpt):

here's mine:
     "The feeling didn't leave me. I davened Maariv with a broken heart, but it wasn't enough. There was something else I needed to do. So I drove to an empty Beis Medrash and locked the doors. What does a yid do when he doesn't know where to turn? Tehilim! I stood at the amud and started "Ashrei haish asher lo halach"… kapitel 1. I had no plan of how much to finish. I merely read and cried. With every word, my tears became sobs, and my sobs became weeping. I had never cried like that in my life. I cried so hard, I couldn't read. 'Nehi, bechi tamrurim'. I davened only the first 20 kappitlach Tehilim, but I was wiped. I felt as if I had no more tears left."   see it here http://www.guardyoureyes.org/?p=1978

Last Edit: 28 Dec 2009 02:24 by jjgrish.

Re: What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah? 28 Dec 2009 13:14 #38904

  • the.guard
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Reminds me of this story on our site:

One Purim, some eight years into our marriage, I got drunk. I was reading Psalms and I cried and cried to G-d, like never before, to help me out of the bottomless pit that I felt I could never leave. That very day, my wife was browsing through pictures we had taken from Purim on my computer and she happened upon pictures of porn. She confronted me that night about it and I felt that the time had come to tell her all. I was expecting that when she heard my whole story, and how young I had started doing these things, she would accept me for who I was. But G-d had heard my cries that day and had determined otherwise. My wife reacted with disgust and anger, albeit with some understanding as well, but she cried for days. She refused to accept that this was who I was and that this was who she had married, and she forced me to re-examine that which I had already given up on ever conquering.

Broken, threatened with divorce and yet not believing I could ever stop, I had finally "hit bottom". I wrote to the renowned religious psychiatrist, Rabbi Avraham Twersky, the author of many books and a leader in dealing with alcoholic addictions. I told him my whole story and I asked him if there was anything I could do to break free....
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by ekh123.

Re: What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah? 28 Dec 2009 15:55 #38984

Hey GUARD, that story was most of the inspiration for this realization. 
Also there was one on the old site about a guy who drove for hours, then cried his heart out with viduy DiRabeinu nissim (? i think)
Last Edit: 28 Dec 2009 16:35 by yochy.

C'mon people take the poll at least!!!! 03 Jan 2010 02:14 #41114

Let's try to dig this one up, from the graveyard.    Somebody start yapping. And someone else respond to him. Oh yeh, and a third guy should keep playing devils advocate for a few pages!     
OK    3........2.......1.......Action (by that I mean type!!!!)
Last Edit: by energeticjellyfish07.

Re: What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah? 03 Jan 2010 04:21 #41154

Clearly, this is an important issue to you, and something that's helped you tremendously.

For me, though, tefillah has always been something I need to work on. This is very possibly connected to the bad experiences I had in high school, but it's something that I have been working on, and I try to improve. Nonetheless, it's not something that I can count on for inspiration, or something that I feel an immediate response to.

I do daven every day for hashem to help me with this struggle, and - well, so far, so good. But is it in response to my davening for it? I'm sure that it helps, on an intellectual level, but I don't FEEL it. I daven for it, largely as a way of showing hashem that it's important to me.
Last Edit: by Serendipity2.

Re: What made the last slip different than every other slip......tefilah? 04 Jan 2010 18:15 #41878

Hey, my davening is also pathetic, unless I can do niggunim out loud (which somehow makes every word extremely powerful). But I'm refering to my very first tefillah. out of utter desperation, from rock bottom (Shir Hama'alos MiMa'amakim...).      That's what i'm asking ppls about.

Check out my post in the Beis Medrash. there is a zohar in Noach! That deals with 'addiction', not beating around the bush, but directly.
Last Edit: by simonivy.
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