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SCI1977, How I got here
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TOPIC: SCI1977, How I got here 4232 Views

SCI1977, How I got here 22 Dec 2009 20:16 #36951

  • sci1977
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After much soul searching and deep honesty, I finally feel ready to share this story as I have a little bit of sobriety under my belt (no pun intended ;-)...

I was trying to write out my story now for about a week, but I had a lot of trouble doing so. I found myself repulsed by how I had let myself get this way. Since I started writing, all that keeps pouring into my mind is, "How sick have I been?" and "what did I do to my wife?" I question whether my wife can ever forgive me, or if I can even forgive myself fully. I hope that getting it all out will help in healing me.

The beginning of my story is one of much shame. When I was little, between the ages of 7 and 10, I was molested almost every day by a close family member. This caused me to never learn what true love meant. I could only relate to "lust". When I was around 17, I started to look at p**n and did that very frequently. As I got older, it was something I would do as a stress reliever.

I got married and had my first child, and all of a sudden I felt stress related issues hit me like a ton of bricks. I started looking more and more at p**n. After being married for about a year, it escalated from porn to prostitution. I acted out and went to inappropriate places. I got hooked and I couldn't get out. I battled with the fact that I was cheating on my wife, however I couldn't stop.

About year ago, I struggled hard to kick the habit. It didn't work. I then acted out even more; more porn, more prostitution, etc...

It seems that Hashem had seen my efforts to stop though, and He stepped in. Not long ago, my wife found out and confronted me about it. That was my real wake-up call. She was terribly angry and almost left me right then and there. But when we started talking again she said, "we will get through this together and I will help you find help".

I ended my acting out and I have been clean now for 33 days since finding this website together with my wife.

It is very hard to admit all that I have done, but when you release everything about yourself to others, it becomes clearer in your own mind. The more you tell and the more honest you are with yourself and with G-d, the more it helps. 

I admit that I used to lust for women to make me feel better. What I did not realize in all of this, is that my sex life had never been about deeper feelings like true love. Nothing was an "emotion", as my emotion had been damaged by the molestation I endured as a boy. I never thought about the other person for real. She was just an "object" for a physical act.

From now on, my actions must be more then that. They need to actions of love, not just lust. I need to have compassion, and most of all, my heart needs to be in what I do. 

I have changed my ways with the help of this website. I have worked on the 12-steps and I am reading the Handbook very slowly and carefully. I pray and talk to G-d a lot. I work on myself by learning to LIVE, and by just realizing what is around me; my wonderful family and all that surrounds me in life - like taking an extra second just to look up at the sky. I am also learning to feel G-d's embrace at all times, especially when things go well, like when I make a good business deal.

Today I am living with the knowledge that I am clean, and without the constant feeling that I am destroying my mind and soul. I was given a "wake-up call" by G-d and I need to use it in the right fashion.

I am thinking positive and living every second. I'm working hard on letting G-d take control over everything, and when I make a decision I ask myself, "is this something that G-d would approve of?" My heart - and all of me - feels so much better. 

I look back now and feel very degraded that I once had to do all those things to feel good. I should have just stayed at home and not looked elsewhere, but I can't do anything about the past. I can only move forward and pray that with G-d's help, everything will turn out OK with me and my marriage.

I am living life to its utmost now. I put my life in G-d's hands and try to focus on that which is good and decent about me.

Last Edit: by advernturetest18187.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 22 Dec 2009 20:46 #36964

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 763 days
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Sigh..., this is a beautiful and inspiring story!

I mean,

Sci, this is a beautiful and inspiring story!

Someone sent me an e-mail after today's Chizuk e-mail quoted your story:

wow. the stories keep coming.
I really feel for that abused boy - now - man.
His wife must be commended!
yid / marriage / family
saved by GYE

BTW. My favorite part was the pun in the first line... Cracks me up each time I read it.  ;D

Guard, please get a hold of yourself and be more serious. This is not a joking issue. This is a story of pain and sacrifice.

You're right.
I apologize.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 22 Dec 2009 21:22 by healthymind93.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 22 Dec 2009 20:55 #36968

  • me3
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That was beautiful.
Thanks for sharing.
It's obvious from your post the old saying
the harder they fall the higher they bounce
You don't need me to tell you the utter joy
one has living a pure life, knowing that you are
fulfilling your tafkid, the relief of not having dirty secrets
Of really sharing with your wife rather then using her.

I also admire your wife of having the courage? to realize
that your problems were not a rejection of her, but
a result of your previous abuse and addiction and for
sticking with you and helping you work through this..
Many women would have headed for the door (And
in certain circumstances they definately should)

I wish you tremendous hatzlacha because at 33 days
clean your battle is far from over, and thanks again for
your very inspirational story.

(What's going on? Me3 with serious posts and Guard too much joking?)
Last Edit: 22 Dec 2009 20:57 by hevahsidhsbe.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 22 Dec 2009 22:04 #37000

  • imtrying25
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Sci my heart goes out for you. It kills me hear the suffering of one of my Holy Brothers. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

I think you hace such a special wife. Willing to stay and help you with this. Ashrecha.

Kol Hagadol Maichaveiro, yitzroh gadol mimenu!!

Your a gadol sci, your a gadol.
Last Edit: by eldad.

RE:sci1977 22 Dec 2009 23:49 #37049

  • loi-misyaeish
You know i always used to think that if i'd done everything i'd realize it was worthless and leave it behind. When i grew up i realized how wrong i was. The further you go the harder it is to turn back. And u managed to make that reverse! WOW, I'm really jealous of u!!
Last Edit: by spiderwebs.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 23 Dec 2009 01:19 #37078

  • sci1977
  • Current streak: 438 days
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Thank you all and yes, I am finding out how amazing my wife really is. 
Last Edit: by help2732.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 23 Dec 2009 01:50 #37087

  • silentbattle
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And as time goes on, both you and she will see in a whole new way how amazing YOU are, be"h.
Last Edit: by 4choosing.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 23 Dec 2009 15:30 #37192

  • Ineedhelp!!
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You are a true warrior for Hashems Torah and ways. People in Shomyaim are looking down at you and smiling from ear to ear. I TRULY commend your efforts and commitment to become free atlast. Thank you so much for opening the vault of your heart and sharing your story. It gives me great chizuk to read this. Thanks again!

Last Edit: by harmony.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 23 Dec 2009 19:19 #37333

  • Kollel Guy
Sci... You more than anyone will be happy to hear, that at long last your looking at the right path to recovery and freedom.
Nothing makes you appreciate something that works, more than experience with things that don't.
And yes, you are very very lucky to have such a wife.
We will need you and your chizuk as much as you need ours, so be sure to share the knowledge you gain.
And always remember, as Bardy will surely remind you many a time....

                                                           JUST KEEP ON TRUCK'N NO MATTER WHAT!!!

Last Edit: by undertheskyline.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 24 Dec 2009 06:00 #37500

  • bardichev
Sci holy brother

"Keep on truckin"

We are all here for you.

Don't turn back you came to the right place.

Keep on trucking!!

Find something that will make you happy.
Real happiness comes from being more than giving..it comes from being selfless!
Last Edit: by isel26.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 27 Dec 2009 21:44 #38655

  • sci1977
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All I can say is my wife is amazing me more and more each day!!! 
Last Edit: by boyboybe.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 27 Dec 2009 23:17 #38694

  • silentbattle
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And I'm sure that she's amazed by you, too!

Things might not always be perfectly smooth, but as long as you remember how wonderful this feeling is, and how much it's worth having, I think you'll be doing great!

Keep on rocking!
Last Edit: by lev1092.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 28 Dec 2009 04:13 #38783

  • sci1977
  • Current streak: 438 days
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I think she is, she told me she was proud of me today.  I am so happy we are getting somewhere.
Last Edit: by lakewoodopra.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 28 Dec 2009 15:56 #38988

  • sci1977
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The more you have a positive attitude and the more you laugh, the better one feels. 

Last Edit: by krockradio.

Re: SCI1977, How I got here 29 Dec 2009 01:04 #39259

  • silentbattle
  • Current streak: 1628 days
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darn it, you make me cry! NOT cool!

OK, fine, cool
Last Edit: by isra.
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