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Need chizuk
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: Need chizuk 1465 Views

Need chizuk 15 Dec 2009 21:35 #35037

someone please giveme a good reason to go on a clean streak. I sorta accepted this addiction as a fact, and now i'm toon lazy to bother fighting it. I'm single, in the parsha, and gifted with the capabilities to create an uprising in the jewish world (in chinuch, kiruv krovim or kiruv rechokim). but i'm wasting my potential on a computer screen. When away from the comp. i learn from early morning to late nights, with a hislahavus, amailus etc. I can take maharal and compile/concise it into such an understandable manner that even fry yidden see it as sencible, understandable, and pertanant. I can adress large audiences, and present a powerfull and heartfelt messaage that leaves them with a smile on their face and truly touched. i have alot of potential...and I waste it all by not giving up on this one vise!!!!        If only fo thesake of the ppl I can help later on in life, help me wan to fight my yzh"r. Help me want to not look at the comp.    please!
Last Edit: by Sdc1217.

Need chizuk 15 Dec 2009 21:43 #35038

  • bardichev
someone please giveme a good reason to go on a clean streak.

once this becomes an addiction you will have no life no meaning no goal.you will be left with nothing.

take all your talents that hashem blessed you with and use them don"t abuse them!!

you are a very gifted person..therefore thr YH  'shtells zich' on YOU

see it for what it is

Shloima Hamelech already said "rabbim chalalim hipillah ..kol ba-eh-ha lo yashuvin..

scary thought

my point is not to scare

herr ois! the YH is not tzufreedin with just having you struglle with ' a litttle histaklus'
he wants to be 'oiker' you from 'shnie oilamos'

I wish on you "hamaor sheba machzeero limutav"

don't be down don't be upset the YH does this 'shikkl' on gedolai olam


KEEP ON TRUCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Edit: by yakov12751.

Need chizuk 15 Dec 2009 22:21 #35042

  • Kollel Guy
shemirateinayim wrote on 15 Dec 2009 21:35:

someone please giveme a good reason to go on a clean streak. I sorta accepted this addiction as a fact, and now i'm toon lazy to bother fighting it. I'm single, in the parsha, and gifted with the capabilities to create an uprising in the jewish world (in chinuch, kiruv krovim or kiruv rechokim). but i'm wasting my potential on a computer screen. When away from the comp. i learn from early morning to late nights, with a hislahavus, amailus etc. I can take maharal and compile/concise it into such an understandable manner that even fry yidden see it as sencible, understandable, and pertanant. I can adress large audiences, and present a powerfull and heartfelt messaage that leaves them with a smile on their face and truly touched. i have alot of potential...and I waste it all by not giving up on this one vise!!!!         If only fo thesake of the ppl I can help later on in life, help me wan to fight my yzh"r. Help me want to not look at the comp.     please!

You can't have your cake and eat it. If you want to escape this thing, ever, you HAVE to agree to at least make the first steps towards recovery.
I have a very scary thing to tell you. Being that you are an addict, there is absolutely nothing that anyone can tell you, that will "convince" you not to go back to it. It might make an impression on you, you might not do it now, you might not do it tomorrow either, but when it's addiction vs divrei hisorerus, addiction wins - by hook or by crook. Addiction must be dealt with using a different type of tool than your used to thinking of, and which works differently. Just like addiction, it's not like any other urge, it works differently. And you have to recognize that distinction, or you will keep on trying to blow up a tire with a hole in it. No matter how hard you try, unless you patch up that hole first, you won't get very far. I seriously hope you read the handbook and "Hit rock bottom while your still on top".
I promise you that whatever you will have to go through now, will be infinitely easier than going through it as you are arranging your child's shidduch parsha.
Last Edit: by foreign.

Need chizuk 15 Dec 2009 22:33 #35046

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Help me want to not look at the comp.     please!

If all that you wrote, and this:

i have alot of potential...and I waste it all by not giving up on this one vise!!!!

...is not enough of a reason to want to stop, I don't know what can be?  :'(

Did you read through the stories on this site? Do you realize how this addiction destroys people's lives and marriages, and takes them out of this world and the next? Don't you see how it brings no satisfaction, and we only want more and more without ever getting satisfied? If you continue on this path, not only will you have thrown out all your TREMENDOUS potential, but you will not have a marriage, not have a life, not have a future, and not have a chelek in the World to Come.

Dear Yid! We need people like you on-board on GYE. We are making a world-wide revolution that doesn't exist anywhere else in the world. If you do Teshuvah through our network, you can become a tremendous force for good to spread the word to all of Klal Yisrael that there is help available, there is HOPE, and we CAN change what we thought we NEVER could change. It's people like you that will one day lift up the Shchinah from the lowest places and inspire thousands to make the change as well. YOU, my friend, have it in your hands to BRING the GE'ULAH! (will you still say, "oh, but why should I stop?") OF COURSE NOT.

Please "hit-bottom" while still "on-top" - and take your life into your hands and make the change that you KNOW YOU CAN.

BTW. Have you read our handbooks, dear Yid? To really change will take an INNER change. It will take time, patience and preserverence. But it's not just YOU we are talking about here. Klal Yisrael NEEDS you!

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 15 Dec 2009 22:47 by mendy+live54.

Need chizuk 16 Dec 2009 00:11 #35085

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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  • Karma: 138
Wow, Kollel guy, I just read your response and was BLOWN away! That's an ACE for sure! (Do you know what ACE stands for yet?)
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by unknown99.

Need chizuk 16 Dec 2009 09:02 #35166

  • Kollel Guy
No, fill me in...
Last Edit: by as1234.

Need chizuk 16 Dec 2009 11:29 #35178

  • Momo
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1288
  • Karma: 3
Another Chizuk Email
Last Edit: by david101.

Need chizuk 21 Dec 2009 18:51 #36472

  • moshew
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
shemirateinayim wrote on 15 Dec 2009 21:35:

someone please giveme a good reason to go on a clean streak.

Sounds like Suhemirateinayim is calling out for help.
Last Edit: by ilovehashem613.

Need chizuk 21 Dec 2009 19:01 #36478

  • Kollel Guy
Well he was.... about a week ago. I don't think he saw any of our responses though, otherwise he would have let us know what he thinks.
Last Edit: by yyesod.

Need chizuk 21 Dec 2009 19:06 #36481

  • moshew
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
Everything needs mazal, especially finding the right place to post.
Last Edit: by ns12345.

Need chizuk 21 Dec 2009 19:18 #36483

  • Kollel Guy
Moshew wrote on 21 Dec 2009 19:06:

Everything needs mazal, especially finding the right place to post.
So who are you saying needs that mazal... us or him?
Last Edit: by ykjjhhhhh.

Need chizuk 21 Dec 2009 19:24 #36486

  • moshew
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
We all do, but being that he posted in the wrong place his call for help went unanswered. 
Last Edit: by tammyl.

Re: Need chizuk 22 Dec 2009 11:52 #36766

  • Kollel Guy
OK, That was taken care of. Thank you to moderators
Last Edit: by helpmeplease101.

Re: Need chizuk- still 25 Dec 2009 05:03 #37906

Ain mazal liyisrael

i read your reposnses. Kolel Guy, you said the sharpest line I heard yet. If i think about it, i can't find a single 'pesach' for my yzh"r to shlug it up.  i have a very driven personality, so being a flat tire....gets me nowhere.

I kept a clean streak for the last week, messing up tonight. But untill then i was good. so let's try to stay cleen to shivivim. Because last shovivim I was 100% clean, lechumra. So it would be a discrase to blow this one.  if anyone has a clear and descriptive acount on how this will in the future affect the relationship with my wife/kids. please send me a link. i've been looking through the stories but haven't found enough to hit rock bottom yet, just guilt. so i can use the push. and sadly i got net acess till tuesday or so. so i'll try to linit it to these boards.      Yes i read all your answers, and shortly after you posted them.

For everyone else who will send me a lifeline: help me do step 1 of the 12 steps!! i'm to balanced of a person, to do it easily, and the only time i did it.....well i posted the story, made it into a chizuk email, webpage, and a 2nd story.

help me!
Last Edit: by mywayout.

Re: Need chizuk 25 Dec 2009 08:45 #37953

  • Kollel Guy
I might be wrong, but I think that hitting rock bottom means recognizing how low and disgusting it is to look at p**n altogether. You don't have to imagine yourself going through one of the horror stories you see here, where a guy's wife leaves him, his kids don't talk to him, everybody on the street thinks of him as a sick perve, and all he can think about is through this whole mess is: where to get a good fix, because he's already bored of everything... Just to feel low and decide you don't want to become that person. I guess it wouldnt hurt though, so if it works - by all means! Check out theses testimonials www.guardureyes.com/GUE/Stories/Stories.asp
Last Edit: by 4257.
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