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Letter to a special person that fell & feels lost
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TOPIC: Letter to a special person that fell & feels lost 473 Views

Letter to a special person that fell & feels lost 30 Jan 2020 16:27 #347039

  • davidt
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1800
This letter is being written to a very special person that is struggling greatly and wants to be good. I'm writing it here since you have not contacted me in the last few days...

Dear chaver!
We worked together for a few weeks and your struggles with lust seemed to be unimaginable difficult. You showed so much courage by contacting me when you felt weak and expressing your desire to stop acting out.

Then a few days ago you told me that you're giving up...
You told me that you fell to an extreme low (I won't here list the actions you told me that you did) and "its over with me for this gilgul"...

Such painful words, Hashem is crying together with us...

Please remember that you might have given up but your loving father in heaven has not given up on you... he is giving you life because he has faith in you. Please reach out again and we'll work to connect you to the right people and programs that have helped so many others recover from addiction and put their lives together again.
You deserve a happy & healthy good life and BE"H you'll have it.

The Gemara says: "In a place where a ba'al teshuva stands, even a full tzaddik cannot stand" (Brachot 34b). The idea is that by having sunk to the lowest depths, and then genuinely turning one's life around, the distance traveled in a positive direction is so great that it even exceeds those who have always been on the plus-side.

It is out of Hashem's love for us that He gives us such a method of getting back on track. Put the guilt, shame, embarrassment, and negativity behind you. Let them go, and return. We need you & are all waiting to hear back from you very soon!

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?"
feel free to reach out @  ahavayirah@gmail.com

Re: Letter to a special person that fell & feels lost 30 Jan 2020 17:02 #347043

  • ybsys
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Posts: 6
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with hashem's help he will get back im"h                                                       the gmora says that   אין הקב"ה בא בטרוניא עם בריותו so i am shure that hashrm will help that person                                                                               i also wanna share my expirinse that i was clean for 18 days before the 18 days if some one would tell me that i am going to be clean for 18 days i would tell him thats its not going to happent in then i full i i start again in i will make till the ent im"h so i wanna tell for that person that he is not alone i was also in this problem in i am seing the holy light shining to me so please come back in we will together work to break free
feel free to contact me by email 608gue@gmail.com

Re: Letter to a special person that fell & feels lost 30 Jan 2020 17:12 #347044

  • 360gye
  • Current streak: 760 days
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 237
  • Karma: 13
If i may add to DavidT's words:
To a very special Jewish person, and our good friend,

While i may not know your personal story, i am still capable of feeling for you and feeling for your situation. It is true i may not know what you're going through and the trials and tribulations you have endured, but friends and community are people who care about us, even though they are different than us. Even if people have different experiences than what you've experienced, that should not and cannot take away from thefact that they (we) truly care deeply about you and wish whats best for you.
While we may not know exactly what you're going through, there is one being who does-and that is our father in Heaven. He is all knowing and all merciful. In fact, the Talmud tells us that these character traits are insufficient descriptions of Hashem since they are finite, and instead we have to think of Hashem as being infinite in all of these good qualities. What this means is that no matter what happens, Hashem is always there for us, to help us, to accept us with open arms. Like DavidT mentioned, no one in this world is removed from Teshuva and if you want anything is possible. 
I'm not going to argue that change is easy, cause its not, it is hard, but anyone will tell you that change is so good for you. Making this change in your life will overflow to good things happening in the rest of your life. Change is possible for anyone if they are connected to their friends who share the same ideals. I can tell you that along with DavidT-we are all your friends and are rooting f you!!
Even if you want to tell me that you do not want to change, i'm assuming you at least understand the need for change and you want to want to change. That itself is good enough to start making changes in your life, and with the right help you can really change.
If you ever want to chat/talk about anything please dont hesitate to reach out to me-360gye@gmail.com

Your friend,
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