Woops, I just added a choice to the poll that wasn't there before. (please forgive me)
"Depends of his sobriety record".
And that's what I voted for.
If he's sober for a while - and he's made some INNER changes because of that, then yes, I'd surely take him. Even MORE than a regular guy! Take a guy like Tomim for example. We brought his story in Chizuk e-mail #655 - and we all saw how LOW he fell, and yet see his tremendous growth in Chizuk e-mails #648 and #652!! Today, he'd make the best husband because he's learned through breaking the addiction how to live FOR OTHERS.
But if he was still the Tomim of Chizuk e-mail #655, then obviously no one would want him for a son-in-law
So the question in the poll needs to be clarified a bit... What do you mean by "X-addict"? How long is he sober for? And is he perhaps just a "dry drunk" - or did he make real inner changes?
And perhaps he was never so addicted in the first place as to require a serious "inner change"? That's
also a possibility, and that would also be someone I would take, as long as he has a good clean record...
(But you guys will all have to wait, my oldest daughter is only 10