In my SA program we call the approach to sobriety that you describe as "white knuckling". It may be considered "technical sobriety" but there's a lot more to sobriety than that. Your sobriety is fear-based and typically fear-based sobriety doesn't provide lasting changes in a person. The SA program has helped me to shift my fear-based sobriety to a joy-based sobriety. My sincere suggestion would be to check out this SA 12-step program or any other 12-step "S-program". What's also helped me is using my compulsive lust-based behaviors as my "teacher" - finding out what is behind them that needs addressing and healing. So for myself, as someone who struggles with unwanted same-sex attractions, I have learned that beneath them is my childhood trauma/ wounds based on both father and mother wounds. And then identifying what unmet needs I might be repressing which need to come out of the "shadows" ("shadow" being a technical term based on the work of Carl Jung). It's a journey that may start with me examining what's behind things like my masturbation and porn watching and then going to work at identifying what legitimate needs need to be resolved and then doing the work to resolve it. It's hard work but the alternative of white-knuckling just didn't work for me