Does anyone else feel that way? I just want to get something off my chest for the thousandth time, but first time on a forum.
My life has gotten worse and worse since I became frum, and I can't help but believe that is what's to blame for the majority of my misery and discomfort. I've heard all the vorts, seen all the videos, heard all the chizzuk, learned a significant amount of Chassidus, mussar, Torah, etc. I was a rabbi of a congregation, I attended seven yeshivas and they were some of the worst experiences of my life.
I want so badly for someone to take me under their wing and help turn these negative feelings around, but I know I can't expect others to save me, especially when I'm not a child anymore. I also understand that there are more contributing factors to my situation. But, I am sure if Yiddishkeit weren't a factor to consider, I would be able to cope much better with the other issues, and feel better about waking up in the morning.
My brother asked me this morning if I was "living my best life," and my response was "nope, the opposite." I do gratitude excersises daily, I'm in two recovery programs, I've read so, so many self-help books and articles, and my career is literally all about helping others.
Why haven't I left the fold? I believe in Hashem. And I believe Torah is Emes. So where do I go next?
Thanks for letting me share.