So baruch Hashem, I'm on my way to 90 days, 75 days today and really hopeful that I'll make it to 90 days. I wanted to share a struggle that I've had my whole life and one that is sort of rearing its ugly head right now.
I am a very emotional person, I used to get more so when I was young, but every once in a while, I get very depressed. I especially get depressed when I hear a song that really hits me.
I am a musical person and sometimes if I hear a song that gets to me, I can obsess over it for days. I recently heard a goyishe song that also happens to be kol isha and it's one of those "sad songs" songs. The horrible thing about it is that I am happily married with two wonderful kids, a decent job, and a lot of blessing in my life, but when I listen to that song, it makes me feel like I'm in the middle of a break-up or something. I wasn't always frum and I remember going through break-ups, they were horrible. Thank G-d, I don't need to dwell on that because things are going really well in my marriage. I just can't stand when the fantasy of a goyishe song, especially one that deals with love lost, romance, etc. starts to take over my life and feel more real than reality. Can anyone relate to this?