how many of you here are dealing with mental health issues like anxiety and depression? i think lusts and these addictions can go hand in hand with these problems; one can cause or perpetuate the other and visa versa.
for me personally, i've had anxiety problems as early as 7 years old, depression since 12 years old and they only got worse over the years to the point where i haven't been able to work or go to school for the past 4 years. i've been trying to get treatment over the past 10 years but nothing has been dramatically effective.
medications can help some people deal with the symptoms but i think it's a misconception that meds are a magical cure. i have not had good experiences with meds. they only make me feel worse. talk therapy like CBT or mindfulness is the most helpful but it takes time, work and you must be working with a skilled therapist regularly for it to work. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I'M NOT A DOCTOR OR THERAPIST, don't take my advice literally because everyone's situation is different. the above is just my own personal opinion based on experience.
and how can these issues be addressed from a spiritual perspective? i'm only a beginner in orthodoxy, i grew up secular but even learning through shiurs online, i've heard saying Krias Shema for example can protect anxiety or depression among other things.