Look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself that it's the yetzer hora talking. And you know it is, because look where it's gotten you! Keep reminding yourself of that. Every gemara he brings you, every medrash he quotes - it can all sound very nice, but it ends up with you having a miserable shabbos.
The yetzer hora will gladly appear frum if it'll bring you down. He can show up with a long beard and peyos. It's still the same yetzer hora. And we can never improve while listening to him.
You know what's right, even if it may be hard to accept at times. Being happy, and enjoying your victories is the only way to get to azivas hachet (as both IT25 and Kanesher (elsewhere) pointed out. And THAT, according to rebeinu yonah, is the first step.
So like IT25 said, you need to figure out what'll get you closer to that. The fact is that from what I understand, there's a classic cycle in addiction - you give in, you feel bad about giving in, so you seek comfort for that shame and guilt. Where? in lust! Then you feel bad about that, so...you get the point.
Feeling good about the positive steps you've taken...taking more steps, using that positive energy in the right way!
Have a great week of aliyah - of YOUR aliyah, measured on YOUR scale - you need to ask, "have I taken steps that will bring me closer to my gaol?" Those steps include reading the emails, the SA/AA books, the handbooks, therapy, conference calls...take the steps that you need, and realize that it's the most powerful move in avodas hashem that you can make!