I heard an amazing insight on life from the Rebbe of Karlin (d.1772) which gave me a lot of chizuk, I hope that you will be inspired as well. The Rebbe once commented while observing people dancing. The steps of a dance the Rebbe noted are such that one goes up and down over and over. Each time the dancer goes up soon after he comes down. Yet he will continue to proceed with the upwards movement knowing full well that he will come back down. The Rebbe asked why, why bother jumping up if you are going to come right back down? The Rebbe answered because to move up you have to fall down!!!!!! The way someone climes the ladder of kedusha is by falling a rung every few rungs on the way up. The Rebbe then added that a person has to use his fall to continue the clime up.
I wish you all a wonderful shabbos!!!!