I have been struggling with this a lot. It's understandable to get bogged down once the clarity of sobriety has been destroyed. The feeling that what will I gain from starting again, I will anyways fall.
However here are some ideas that have helped me.
1. First of all, its my "life" that we're taking about. Yes it's hard, but it pays to take the jump, with closed eyes. Just do it again.
2. Since I've been working the steps, I have a plan, there are things to do for sobriety so I just start doing those things. Davening, doing for others, cleaning up my own mess with all my resentments etc. It doesn't have to be with a long term plan. I don't have to do it for sobriety per se. I just do these steps. And before I know it I have a nice couple of days of sobriety.
3. Last but not least. Stay connected. Reach out to the gevaldige chevrah here. When you have people rooting for you there is that motivation. If you have somebody in real life to open up to that's even better.
Hope I've helped you some.