26 days clean. Boy that went fast. Nothing to it. So I was talking with my son, the state finalist soccer team member, and he asks me what's the worst possible score you can have in the middle of a game. I'm saying things like, 5 to zip, etc. Nope, he says, the worst score you can have is being ahead two to nothing. You think you got it in the bag. He says, "We've lost so many games when we were ahead two to nothing!"
Shamor v'zachor, yidden! Last clean streak was 301 days I think. I had it in the bag making it to a whole year clean. Ho ho ho (oops, sorry, no secular innuendo intended). It's not my clean streak, and it's not my bag to have it in. What I do have...is a half hour to say Shmah and go to sleep.