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How to handle the truth
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TOPIC: How to handle the truth 1077 Views

How to handle the truth 30 Oct 2009 03:12 #26369

  • yrts
  • Fresh Boarder
  • Karma: 0
I come home from yeshiva (11th grade) one night and my father had left him email on. Out of curiositys sake (whether right or wrong)(proabably wrong) i see that my father (from a very heimishe backround) and his friends are all a bunch of porn addicts. I figured out his password, and i try to go and delete any pornography (about 4 a night) before he sees it. RABBOISAI, WHAT SHOULD I BE DOING??
Last Edit: by w9370572.

Re: How to handle the truth 30 Oct 2009 04:08 #26371

  • Ineedhelp!!
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1058
  • Karma: 2
You pray to Hakadosh Baruch Hu  because He is the only One that can and wil help you. then you show your father and these friends to this website and sign them up for the chizuk and shmiras einyaim emails. Hatzlocha Rabba.

Last Edit: by helpmyson.

Re: How to handle the truth 30 Oct 2009 04:17 #26373

  • habib613
a while back a couple of other people had the same problem as you.
i can't find the thread though.

The topic is a little sticky since it's your father.
He'd probably be mortified if he knew you found out.
I don't suggest approaching him.
one thing someone suggested last time was to leave the browser open to YWN, or another website with GYE's ad.
he may find GYE himself!

but really, i don't think there's not much you can do besides daven, as INH mentioned.

I don't think you should be going into his email and deleting the p***. you might get tempted to look at it, or he might find you trying to delete it. but i am not a posek. we need R' Guard for that

on another note, that must have been really frustrating for you to find out that your father who (i'm assuming) you look up to and trust, is actually engaging in inappropriate internet activity.
are you ok?
Last Edit: by help9812265.

Re: How to handle the truth 30 Oct 2009 10:02 #26385

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Send me your father's e-mail address (and all his friends too, while you're at it) and I send them an e-mail about our network (as if it was just by chance, a chain e-mail)...

And if you give me permission, I'll even sign them (or at least your father) up for the daily Chizuk e-mails!

We can only help those who want to be helped, but we can give them a CHANCE to be helped - and if they are ready, or WHEN they are ready, they'll know where to go for help!

You should rejoice that you have found us at such a young age. This addiction only gets worse, and it has the potential to destroy our lives and our family life as well, one day.

Often a son is given over the same struggles that the father had. If the father does not succeed in making the tikkun, it is given over to his son to finish. You have the opportunity to make the tikkun, not only for you, but for your father - and for your children. Stop the cycle now and don't let it reach the NEXT generation, c"v!

May Hashem give you the strength to know what to do... And like has been posted here, daven, daven and DAVEN.

Lots of love and feeling your pain and confusion,
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by random499.

Re: How to handle the truth 01 Nov 2009 21:03 #26544

Oh dear.
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by giannis.

Re: How to handle the truth 01 Nov 2009 21:44 #26548

  • Giant Leap

Your actions in trying to curb your father's porn problem, stem from pure heart, love and holiness, but deleting your father's porn from his email is not a great idea because it will cause more harm than good.

Habib613, wrote this in a reply to you,

"I don't think you should be going into his email and deleting the p***. you might get tempted to look at it, or he might find you trying to delete it. but i am not a posek. we need R' Guard for that ".

In my opinion, not only may you be tempted to view this horrible stuff and C"V become addicted, but by deleting your father's porn stash, you may cause unwanted strife between you and your father (if he found out of your actions) or with there might be arguments with your father and mother (because he may think she did it). Also, remember that someone's email is a personal thing.

Your in a tough situation yrts, work on improve your yiddishkeit, hang in there, daven and keep your spirits up.

Giant Leap
Last Edit: by shaul5781.
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