Thanks for the reference. Here is a quote from that webpage that bothers me:
For this one must set aside opportune times, when the mind is calm, to reflect on the greatness of G‑d against Whom he has sinned,
כדי שעל ידי זה יהיה לבו נשבר באמת במרירות אמיתית, וכמבואר עת זו במקום אחר
so that thereby his heart will truly be rent with genuine bitterness i.e., bitterness — remorse — as opposed to depression; the former is alive and active, while the latter is resigned and ”dead“. It is explained elsewhere when this time should be.20
ושם נתבאר גם כן כי מיד אחר שנשבר לבו בעתים קבועים ההם, אז יסיר העצב מלבו לגמרי
There it is also explained that immediately after his heart has been broken during those appointed times, he should completely remove the sorrow from his heart,
ויאמין אמונה שלימה כי ה‘ העביר חטאתו, ורב לסלוח
and he should believe with perfect faith that G‑d has erased his sin, and that ”He pardons abundantly.“
I have a hard time fooling myself (or maybe I fool myself that I don't fool myself:) ) so I have a hard time with the concept that I should believe that my aveiros have been forgiven only because it's counter productive to think otherwise.