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The Answer
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: The Answer 6001 Views

The Answer 25 Oct 2009 12:21 #25377

  • jerusalemsexaddict
I just didn't know what else to name the thread, and I knew this title would get people excited.
This thread is not about how to not watch porn.
It is not about how to be clean.
It is not about how to deal with withdrawal.

I think the time has come for a "new" approach.
This approach will teach us how to be happy with ourselves and how to embrace and feel comfortable with life, two things that will basically insure that this whole thing will become a non-issue.

Now,are we ready to start the journey of healing?
Last Edit: by trying harder.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 12:26 #25378

  • Tomim2B
Woohoo! :D
Last Edit: by dani10.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 12:44 #25381

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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It sure got ME excited.

So how do we embrace and feel comfortable with life?

What is the answer?

Please lead us on our journey of healing, oh GYE admor!

Thank you!

P.S. What's up with the bold-italics??
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 25 Oct 2009 13:25 by esperanza.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 13:07 #25383

  • jerusalemsexaddict
The first thing, and the maybe the most important thing is for us to discover Acceptance.

                        Step one:Acceptance

Suppose you had a brilliant student in your class.This guy aced every single test he took. One day he gets back an exam, takes a look at it, and his face turns white.You hear him mumbling to himself "I should've just reviewed one more time".You lean over to see his test paper.
The guy got a 98.

Now you go through your whole day, helping people out, davening, learning, talking to people, and at the end of the you come home and are nicshal in motzi zera levatala.You say to yourself "I am a worthless loser who is not good for anything."

An exaggeration? Or perfectionism?

Whatever it is, this person obviously has low self-esteem. Why else does he not forgive himself for failures?He's trying to make is so that according to everyone's standards, he is awesome.

Will this person ever be happy?

What this guy needs is to accept himself.He needs to stop demanding from himself perfection, and stop beating himself when he fails to be perfect.

The number one most heard self-assessment on this forum is "I hate myself." In close second is "I am worthless." Is it coincedence that so many on this forum feel this way? Or is this the reason that all these people are on the forum?

People often speak about "comfort". Of course you don't feel comfort! If you demand from yourself to live up to the world's expectations and your own crazy expectations, how can you possibly feel comfortable with yourself ever?!

Those who will say "I don't feel this way.I am not over-demanding of myself.I am not a perfectionist."
Let me ask you this:
Sit in your uncomfortability for one moment and ask yourself:Why are you uncomfortable?If you were sitting with someone else, would you still be this uncomfortable?
Don't you wish you were somebody else?

This is one of the great benefits of groups and forums.
People understand exactly where the other person is coming from and accept him/her for who they are, regardless of their struggles, if not because of their struggles.

Also, just know that it was decided in shamayim that you were to be a sex addict.
Whatever the reason, you were basically forced into this situation.
Losing security at a very young age must lead to looking for a comfort.
It all might have happened subconciously and you might not see the developement of the addiction, but these things don't "just happen". The need for lust/love comes from a very deep place of insecurity that doesn't just start when you get older. Most have found this addiction to have started from a very early age.So,what do you expect to have happened??

But now you are older and are aware of how this part of your developed till now, and now it is your turn to do something about it.
But first,understand this fact.And accept it.
This is not your fault.
This is not a cop-out.
You didn't create your insecurity.
It was not your job to build your security.

But now it is.
Andthe first thing is acceptance.
This is where I'm at now.
I am insecure.
And that's okay.
Because of that insecurity, I am not able to see the whole picture of who I am.
But do I really think there is nothing there?

My friend, let me tell you:
There is gold in you.
G-d created you.
And He creates gold.
Just that you were frightened into not using it.
You're afraid of expression because you are afraid of failure.
You are afraid of how you will react to failure.
You are afraid of how the whole world will react to your failures.

There are many solid neshamos on this forum with alot of potential.
This has nothing to do with having a weak personality.

This is alot to be put up against.
But Hashem doesn't put us in a nisayon that we can't deal with.
Let's just understand and be sensitive to what we are dealing with.

So for today's homework...
1)See how much the people on this forum love you and accept you.It is not for nothing.
2)See the gold in other people on the forum. This exists within you, too.
2)Understand that events outside of your control led you to this place of insecurity and that really, with some security, you will uncover gold.

Last Edit: by dave2125.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 13:24 #25385

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Beautiful Uri! Good to have you back.

So many people are "afraid of expression because they are afraid of failure" - as you so beautifully wrote. And so they don't express the beautiful thoughts inside them. And that's a shame. It is clear that you do not have this problem. And that's GOLD.

P.S. Everyone, when you discover your gold, please hand it over to GYE (like uri's doing!)

P.P.S. I did my homework Uri, but I'm afraid I messed it up. What will the world say to my failure? :-[
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 25 Oct 2009 14:49 by holysoul.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 13:27 #25386

  • jerusalemsexaddict
guard i do not have the tools to deal with issues like yours
its clear that you are beyond my help
see our therapists page over here www.guardureyes.com/GUE/Tips/Therapists.asp
Last Edit: by teshuva1836.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 13:42 #25389

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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744 GYE points
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by praying4relief.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 14:45 #25397

  • Momo
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Uri wrote on 25 Oct 2009 13:07:

Also, just know that it was decided in shamayim that you were to be a sex addict.
Whatever the reason, you were basically forced into this situation.

I liked your post, but I don't think it was decided in shamayim (Rambam says nothing is predetermined). I think we decided to do what we do with our bechira. The thing is after we chose so many times to make the wrong decision, we may have felt like we lost our bechira and we feel forced to do things. But, we can always choose to say no at anytime.
Last Edit: by holysoul.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 14:55 #25398

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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It was decided in Shamayim in what particular areas we will struggle the most... Only Hashem knows where our nekudah of bechira really is.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by 125432.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 15:45 #25399

  • jerusalemsexaddict
Great question,Momo.

I have seen people with more will maybe than anybody alive.
And these people have succumbed to this addiction.
Addiction=something we do not have control over.
This is not something we can just fight.
Someone on this very forum who I know to have amazing will-power went over a year and a half clean and then returned to an even worse state.

In response to your point about having made the wrong decisions,this decision was pretty much made for us when we were young.We were rendered emotionally crippled,and can you blame a young cripple for not being able to resist a wheelchair?

It says in Pirkei Avos "You should run to do a mitzvah".
What if someone r'l has no legs?What if he is crippled and in a wheelchair?
Would you tell this person: Come on!Where is your bechira?!Run!You just need to have a little more will-power!
If you do, you should take this question to a competent phychologist. Not my field.
I deal with normal people.
We were emotionally crippled at a young age. It could've been a parent, teacher, rabbi, sibling, or anyone. It is the only way to explain where we are at right now.
Now is our bechira.
Will we choose to heal ourselves?
Or will we keep trying to run on broken feet?
Last Edit: by tonywest.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 16:47 #25401

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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It feels good to have Uri and Momo posting again... All we need now is Rage and Sturggle, and we'll be back in business!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by Emunahb.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 20:32 #25464

  • 7yipol
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guardureyes wrote on 25 Oct 2009 13:42:


744 GYE points

Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by epic.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 21:31 #25470

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 906 days
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Mom, you're good! 744 points for you (to distribute)
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by chaimw.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 22:39 #25477

Humbleness. Is that not the keep to acceptance?
Rashi, Breishis (10:25)
Last Edit: by Ploy.

Re: The Answer 25 Oct 2009 22:48 #25478

  • jerusalemsexaddict
humility is impossible without self-acceptance first
and r u trying to hint at something,kutan?
Last Edit: by cant anymore.
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