I'm new here, and am very happy to have found a community to be part of in fighting this problem together. For a while now,10 years or so, I've tried fighting my addiction by preventing my access to pornographic materiel. It's always ended up being an exercise in futility. I found loopholes in every filter I tried using, and anyone familiar with computers and software can tell you, if its software, there's probably a way around it. So, after many painful years I've finally realized I must do something to really get help with the problem itself. Perhaps though, now more than ever I understand that I can't trust myself to have pornographic materiel just a click away. I have followed GYE's advice of installing yet another filter on my computer. However, I know there are loopholes. I know how to exploit them. I've done my best to find a filter that I don't know off hand how turn off (without the password), but I suspect I might be able to figure it out with some effort. My question to those further along in this battle is, how far do I need to go in removing the accessibility? I obviously don't want it in front of my nose, but making it all about removing the possibilty from my world has never worked for me, so how much should I strain myself to try and attain what might be impossible anyways? No matter how good it is, there is always the option of access somehow, so is whatever distance a basic filter program puts between me and temptation, enough of a plan together with working through GYE's materials and joining the groups? Thanks for any advice