I don't know if i'm the right one to answer this, and if anyone else older and wiser shows up, i will respectfully back away.
but really, what I think everyone was trying to say was that we all feel that hole inside of us. and we all filled it with inappropriate websites, behavior, etc.
but we have to understand that all those were a temporary solution. they helped for a min or two, and then the pleasure went away, and we were faced with depression over our lack of self control, our inability to keep our promises, etc.
and this was an endless cycle.
I really commend you on staying clean for so long in the past. it's an amazing accomplishment. but it didn't last. and so now you have to start over, from day one. thing is, this time you have a secret weapon. you have the experience of so so many amazing people who have fought their yetzer and won, and they no longer feel that great big hole inside themselves. and you are fighting with so many other heilege yidden.
your relationship with the girl- you yourself said it was hampering your avodas Hashem. was she a real solution, the thing that would help you to grow? no. she was just an object, used for your lust (k, that sounds blunt. sorry. there was probably a little more to it than that). and now that you are trying your hardest to break away from her, your YH is working major overtime to make you depressed, to make you miss the fake love you shared. (he's a tricky little devil

so striving, when your YH tells you you're garbage, look him in the face and tell him that that trick isn't going to work anymore. and keep posting. we all want to hear how you feel, how your fight is going.
and we're here for you, 24/6
sometimes when you write, you realize how stupid the YH really is.
more important than anything else, though, is to let go and let G-d. still haven't gotten the hang of that myself, but basically, realize that Hashem is on your side. He's rooting for you to win, to bring Him nachas, and to make this world a better place. and when we feel our yetzer creeping up on us, we have to realize that Hashem is in charge. so we let go. and we let Hashem fight for us. (R' Dov, you're the expert on that, maybe you could help me out a little here?)
also try to take a look at this page
www.guardureyes.com/GUE/FAQ/FAQ.asp there are a lot of "concrete" answers about how what you are doing is the right thing.