The JewishPress has printed an article this week about our site. It's in the family issues section (I think), on page F3... Problem is, I live in Israel and have no access to the Jewish Press. Could someone do me a chesed and buy the Jewish press and scan in the article and send it to - as soon as possible? I really would like to see what they wrote...
Also, if someone could actually mail me the original, that would be also great!
It could be mailed to the Rabbi in Israel who is willing to help us and have donations sent to him.
Rabbi Yaakov Brandvein - for GUE
Reitport 28/4
Betar Ilit 90500
If you think you can do this for me, post here on the forum so others will see and know that it was taken care of :-) Tizke Lemitzvos!