How ARE you?
First things first. No Self-Pity. You got it? You can change yourself and you will. I know 100% how big of a pain family stress can be and sometimes how they make me want to escape to my little den of pathetic self soothing. Deep down I can admit that Ill say "I cant deal with this. I cant deal with this STRESS, I cant deal with this GARBAGE.. AHH!!! I need to escape." and then comes the self-pity. The excuses. How can I get my fix. Its not REALLY the stress. Its me getting depressed and wanting my fix, but I know I wont have an excuse (Ill never have an excuse, but at least enough to soothe the conscience momentarily) so I have to get REAL depressed and down and selfpitying in order to indulge.
So first things first. get that out! your not a pathetic weakling who cant handle life! You can succeed and you need to remember that at all times. Yes itll be hard and youll need help and advice, and youll stumble, but in the end you allways have to get up.
So thats A.
Now secondly, I would recommend reading the book ethalech/as long as I live, The book is nice, but the main thing youll get from it is at the end,after reading this guys struggles how he never gives in and keeps fighting back. thats where the umpf of the book is but you need to read it from the beginning to get that pump.
Its also about accepting responsibility for ourselves/
like Alex was mentioning, you have to do what you can do.
My list of priorities
1- Tefilla
2- Figuring out and quantifying all the different problems, exactly (write this out) and all the different solutions youve undoubtedly thought of or heard from others.
3- lmashal, Porn addiction. too much free time. self-pity. easy access. no healthy outlet. depressed about weight.
solutions. make a schedule (youll learn as you go which eitzot fit you the best) read up on things that will help develop self esteem and avoid self pity, ethalech, feeling good, distracting myself with my hobby of oh I dont know counting the boxes on the sidewalk(clomar, WALKING!) easy access- make it harder!, healthy outlet/weight. Excercise! cant allways excercise play chess! figure it out! your a big boy and you can DO IT!
The main thing I feel is to not let yourself get down and feel like I cant I cant. because when your in that zone all the encouragement just feeds the self-pity somehow.
I get caught up on the praise of others, Ill come to need it if I start moaning about my bitter fate; dont let yourself believe that your incapable of helping yourself (avadeh Only Hashem can help you, were just talking about our efforts)(oh and teffilla thats important to develop a real relationship with hashem by talking honestly to him)
and dont try to fool others that your incapable.
right so self-pity encouragement makes us dependent on the praise of others to function. The will to fight of REALIZING that NO ONE ELSE CAN HELP YOU BUT YOURSELF (well be there to help but in the end its on you and me and each one to his own) BECAUSE G-D MADE IT THAT WAY.
remember its hard and we grow FROM our falls not despite them. (R Hutner zt'l)
Each time analyze what went wrong and see what you can do for the future.
A fall is an opporunity to learn'
Thats my megilla from me to you.
Purim came early this year
Have a Happy Purim!