2 thoughts:
1. I don't know if this is what you had in mind when you were referring to a "line in the sand" but perhaps the "kabolos" can be "asei tov", action variety to something positive in the area of GYE/shmiras eynayim and shmiras habris..
Just a few suggestion maybe to read a "selection of the day" from the handbooks
Or make a kabbalah to post encouragement or pm chizuk to another member on the forum, everyday!
(As an aside I thank from the deepest parts of my heart to all those who have given me "chizuk"
Publicly and privately! I wouldn't be here if not for you!
Thanks in this world and in the Next

2. Its well known from the sages of mussar that all "kabolos" should be for a limited time so as not to be overwhelming.
Again I don't know if this is what the Rebbee had in mind, however I post this as a humble suggestion of the
Smallest of the House of Amram