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TOPIC: Sheva Paamim Yipol 1794 Views

Sheva Paamim Yipol 23 Dec 2008 17:17 #1650

  • poshut yid
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I was wondering if someone has any insight into the famous letter of Rav Hutner. Is this maamer chazal davka referring to the battles with the yetzer horah regarding sexuality? Also I would like to get some feedback from a hashkafic perspective. I have never been matzliach in learning. Even in Yeshiva I could never keep my head in the game. (At that time I was being mashchis as well as doing other horrible pritzusdikke things). After yeshiva I came in contact with the computer and the addiction to pornography has gotten very strong and filled my days. Is it possible that the lack of zitsfleish and cheshek is because I have been so filled with Tumah that I am not zocheh to be able to learn?? In the last couple years I have noticed that when I would start listening to a shiur or speech in shul I wuold almost always fall asleep! Is there a correlation? Will I be able to repait this??? If someone can comment please. I would especially appreciate it if there is someone on this forum possibly a rav that may have some hashkafic insight into this.
Today is day 20 and B"H  I am feeling good about things. My davening is much better and I feel like I am starting to have a kesher with the Ribbono Shel Olam. I know I have destroyed much and it will take a long time for me to be mesaken but I guess you need to start somewhere.
Last Edit: by obormottel.

Re: Sheva Paamim Yipol 23 Dec 2008 21:12 #1652

  • me
Dear P.Y.

    All I can say is that you are headed in the right direction. Keep moving forward, and don't look backwards. No matter what "was", it can/will all change, and get better. You must believe this.

  If it will make you feel better, I can share some similiar experiences as far as sitting in kolel, and when I was being attacked, the Y"H would grab me by my collar and pull my outside to the streets. I always wondered about that chaza'l, that if the Y"H starts up with you, bring him to the Beis Hamedresh". We are to understand that in the Beis HaMedresh we would find a safe haven, and could learn undisturbed. I could literally be in the middle of a shiur, and then be bombarded with thoughts that made my body shake until I just couldn't sit still in my chair. I had to run out of the confinds of the Beis Hemedrish or I would go kookoo, (no relation to kookooreekoo).
  I then found sometime afterwards in the sefer Taharas Hakodesh, that this chaza'l of taking your Y"H to the Beis Medrish will only work for those who are in the category of, תורתם  אמנותם
  Yes, only for those fortunate one's who have had learning in their blood as literally their "lifes blood" they would be sheltered in the Beis Hamedrish. But, others like ourselves, he wrote, our struggle will be there as well.
  As far as attention span during learning. In the same sefer, the Ba'al Shomer Emunim writes that there are those who's minds are such that they almost can't learn at all. He is referring to those who can't keep their attention span AT ALL on any learning due to the fact that their mind is NOT in their control. Their thoughts are constantly wondering. He gives the advice, that it is  בדוק ומנוסה
one merely must choose a certain limud, and make a very short term goal, (if neccessary even for only 5 minutes) that this person will put all of their Koach no matter what into this limud...and they WILL be able to do it. Then after a few days or so, they will increase this to 10 or 15 minutes, and by doing this, the person WILL succeed in re-training their mind to have the attention span to learn.
  So perhaps in your case you would need to start with 1/2 - 1 hour and then build yourself up. But, the bottom line is that....
                                it can be done.
Last Edit: by shteeble.

Re: Sheva Paamim Yipol 23 Dec 2008 21:46 #1653

  • the.guard
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Another beautiful answer from me. I mean "Me"  :D

Can someone send me a scan or something (a link?) to this letter of Rav Hutner? I have heard so much about it but I've never seen it.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
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Re: Sheva Paamim Yipol 24 Dec 2008 12:03 #1660

  • battleworn
Dear Not-pashut Yid,

There is a major connection between having your mind full of filth and not being able to absorb Torah, and you can most definitely repair the damage! But you can't know how much of the problem is due to that and how much is due to your nature. If you follow ME's wonderful advice while at the same time you continue to work on teshuva, you're bound to succeed "big time".

I also used to have what ME described. I would be trying to learn and suddenly I would feel my blood rushing all over. Just like ME, the menuval would grab me by the collar and pull me out.

I have two things to say about this:
1)The Gemara over there continues "Im even hue nimoach, Im barzel hue mispotzetz" -If he is stone he will melt, if he is iron he will shatter. The meforshim point out that it doesn't say that if he's stone he will shatter, which is a quick process. Rather we need to melt the stone which is a very slow process (like in the story of Rabbi Akiva)
One of the most important rules of milchemes hayetzer is, that there is no short cut. There are a lot of things that can help, but Hashem will never be mevater on our hard work - which is so dear to Him and so beneficial to us.

2) "Divrei Torah aniyim bemakom echad ve'ashirim bemakom acher" The Gemoroh in Berochos says that if the yetzer attacks, there are a few steps to take that if each one doesn't work you need to try the next one. R' Tzadok Hacohen (in the beginning of the sefer Machshivos Charutz) explains in great detail that according to the persons present situation in his milchemes hayetzer, we can know what will work for him. It is very clear from R' Tzadok that once someone is in the clutches of the menuval, Torah alone will definitely not chase him away.

[I'm just thinking right now that it's really clear in the simple reading of the Gemoroh in Kidushin (the one that ME is referring to) The lashon is "Im pagah buch menuval zeh" Pagah means he suddenly bumped in to you out of nowhere. It's not talking to people like us that know him intimitely.]

In the long [and even not-so-long]term, however, Torah and Kedusha have a very strong power of turning you in to a different person - one that has no shaychus to lowly taivos!

Last Edit: by reconcilingmyself.

Re: Sheva Paamim Yipol 29 Dec 2008 13:13 #1711

  • battleworn
About the letter from Rav Hutner, I don't think it's clear from the letter what the issue was. But the seforim say that the word Tzadik refers specifically to having control in this area. That's why from all the "shiva ro'im" it's davka Yoseph that's called Tzadik.
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