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, 03 Sep 2009 22:25 #15754

  • MaalinBKodesh
Last Edit: 17 May 2010 06:14 by .

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 03 Sep 2009 22:36 #15756

  • Uri
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 448
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THats awesome!
Mazal tov
im very happy for you
im assuming you saw rav fishmans article (its on the tips secton of gye)
if not www.guardureyes.com/GUE/Tips/Movies.asp
its very funny and it helped change my perspective even more
stay strong and keep rising in holiness
Last Edit: by noach.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 03 Sep 2009 23:42 #15774

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
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yeah maalin! kudos to you!
and share progress everywhere and anywhere here!
Last Edit: by hopeful 1.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 04 Sep 2009 09:43 #15840

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1706
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amen amen maalin!

gut shabbos!
Last Edit: by isrealboy.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 04 Sep 2009 09:51 #15843

  • TrYiNg
Wow! My respect for you has just risen several notches

Bout the titanic bashing, I understand it has a bit nudity...etc. But that is not the point of it. I think it's an amazing story of true love and real caring in a world gone crasy.
Last Edit: by jacques.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 05 Sep 2009 17:21 #15937

  • Uri
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 448
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Beautiful post maalin!!
i was wondering how to respond to tryings post and you put ut beautifuly.
our society makes all these "love" stories as if theyre beautiful.it doesnt matter if its eshes ish,incest,homosexual,or just stam lust with some zonah.
we unfortunately are brainwashed beyond belief just cause there is some nice music going on.
if a boats going down you try to help save people,you dont have sex.
what a pathetic story.
and the same goes for the "notebook"and all that trash that people say is so nice.that was adultery.she was engaged.
thank you maalin for stating the truth so well.
Last Edit: by freeme101.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 07:24 #15999

  • sturggle
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TrYiNg wrote on 04 Sep 2009 09:51:

Bout the titanic bashing, I understand it has a bit nudity...etc. But that is not the point of it. I think it's an amazing story of true love and real caring in a world gone crasy.

we live in  a real world and we really care. rose and jack are fiction. and the rules in their game are not the rules in our game. lets keep that straight. but if were learning from holywood about true love, what about fiddler on the roof. know the song, "do i love you?" so, what is true love? hmmm... lets ask holywood... c'mon! youre better than that! we're better than that! (and i did grow up watching many many movies and i do struggle with this)

how about a diff story of true love...
some guy grew up in a home as a twin and his father seemed to favor his brother. his brother also had it in for him, so his mom stepped in and sent him away and his father seemed to be behind the decision even though unclear what his initial intentions were. he runs off to his cousin's and at the well of the town sees a lot of shepherds and a stone on the well. suddenly he sees a beautiful woman approaching and gathers the strength to lift the stone from the well and well, he loved her, and the story goes on from there... (and there are more where that came from!, and even then it's unclear what love is and when it's good or bad)

we don't need leo and kate to display these things for us. i give you a bracha that you should really experience it in your life and find love in your own special way.


continuing on the movie theme.
.. dark night is a pretty solid film, but again, it's a film, a lot of music and effects to impress all of us

good for you for getting rid of the tv. and do what you gotta do man. if the couch has got to to go... keep it up maalin!

gut voch!

Last Edit: 06 Sep 2009 07:34 by being better.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 09:55 #16020

  • TrYiNg
if a boats going down you try to help save people,you dont have sex.
what a pathetic story.

I know that we shouldn't learn love from them, but don't distort the facts. The point wasn't about the sex. and they weren't having it while it was sinking. When it was sinking they were risking their lives for each other displaying the ultimate love.
Last Edit: by hagaonharav2.0.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 10:56 #16030

  • the.guard
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Maalin Bakodesh, what a beautiful post, what a beautiful spirit. A few more guys like you, Uri & Trying & Struggle and MOSHIACH will HAVE to come!
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 06 Sep 2009 20:53 by matti.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 11:11 #16035

  • TrYiNg
Guard, I'm getting insulted. And here I was thinking that with me around, moshiach would've been here...
Last Edit: by josh777.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 12:19 #16047

  • sturggle
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TrYiNg wrote on 06 Sep 2009 11:11:

Guard, I'm getting insulted. And here I was thinking that with me around, moshiach would've been here...

i second that! the first part at least...
Last Edit: by sarahx.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 12:33 #16049

  • the.guard
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  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
You're right! I fixed it 
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by aclearslate.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 14:16 #16058

  • sturggle
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  • Posts: 1706
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wow. are my posts invisible? DOES ANYBODY HEAR ME?!!!

well, guard, thanks for confirming for me that i have no role in bringing mashiach. hek, for things ive done in my short life time, i am probably not deserving of seeing his arrival. ive shed tears over that in the past. thanks for the reminder...
Last Edit: 06 Sep 2009 21:01 by gee7.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 20:54 #16165

  • the.guard
  • Moderator
  • Posts: 6438
  • Karma: 138
You're right! I fixed it now    

Did I forget anyone else on this forum? We don't want anyone to get insulted here. Please send me an e-mail ASAP if I left out your name from the following list of people who are bringing Moshiach:

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 06 Sep 2009 21:18 by fighttheyh.

Re: Several weeks clean from movies! 06 Sep 2009 21:06 #16169

  • sturggle
  • Gold Boarder
  • Posts: 1706
  • Karma: 1
and you cant even spell my name right... :D :D

yes reb guard, you forgot yourself...
and every other GYE member out there...
every one on this forum is bringing mashiach and i have a feeling that many other yidden out there are doing so as well

"It's gonna be the little kinderlach... it's gonna be the little kinderlach... it's gonna be the little kinderlach... that make mashiach come!!"

oh man..., now i'm thinking i better get married soon, so more of them will be having a hashpa'ah on this world... :-\
Last Edit: by strongratzon.
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