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Nisyonos Al Pi Sod. Response to Chizuk E-mail # 216
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TOPIC: Nisyonos Al Pi Sod. Response to Chizuk E-mail # 216 1193 Views

Nisyonos Al Pi Sod. Response to Chizuk E-mail # 216 01 Sep 2009 01:53 #15026

  • Pintele Yid
In today's e-mail it stated the purpose of NisyonosAl P'shat.

"This is a rule that you should know, my son, the Holy One Blessed Be He does not test a person beyond his powers and his ability to withstand the trial, because the Holy One Blessed Be He does not needlessly cause his creations to suffer. On the contrary, the Holy One Blessed Be He only tests a man to his benefit, to elevate him, and to bring him praise, and to rectify his soul. For a person is brought into this world precisely to undergo trials. Holiness is not awarded to a person from Heaven as a gift without the withstanding of trials. And when a person knows and believes that Holy One Blessed Be He is with him during all of his trials, then this faith strengthens his mental and physical powers, and all evil forces are scattered before him."

I happened to see the Tikunai Zohar Chadash Daf Kuf Chuf Amud Bais (from Daf Kuf Pay Daled until Kuf Pay Ches in the Musoik Midvash) which dscusses the purpose of Nisyonos Al Pi Sod.

There are several reasons for Nisyonos. The first reason was to "build a bridge" from different Sefiros to the Sefiro of Malchus, so Malchus can receive Shefa from the Sefiros. By passing their Nisyonos, Avraham built the bridge between the Sefiro of Chesed to Malchus, Yitzchok built the bridge between the Sefiro of Gevurah to Malchus, and Yakov built the bridge between the Sefiro of Teferes to Malchus. Once the bridges were "built", this reason didn't apply anymore.

The second reason was to shield the Sefiro of Malchus from the Chitzonim, the evil forces. So Dovid Hamelech, Rebbi Akiva and Rebbi Yishmael and other Tzaddikim who passed their Nisyonos became the Merkava or resting place for Malchus and protected Malchus from the Chitzonim. It seems that with the powerful Nisyonos that these Tzaddikim passed, this reason is also not needed anymore.

The Tikunai HaZohar wanted to know the purpose of Nisyonos in the last generations, especially since they come one after another without stop. The Neshomo of Adam Harishon gave the answer. He said that for Moshiach to come, te Sefiro of Malchus (which is the lowest Sefiro) will need to be elevated on top of all the other Sefiros to Keser Elyon, where she will receive her Shefa directly from the Sefiro of Keser. In order for that to happen, the Nisyonos have to come one after another without stop. The more Nisyonos are passed, the higher Malchus is raised toward Keser Elyon.

So the bottom line is that whenever we pass a Nisayon, we are raising Malchus toward Kesser and we are bringing Moshiach. So when the sparks stop flying, say a quick Tefilo that L'shaim Aliyas Hamalchus El Keser, I am saying No!

So next time when you are faced for a Nisayon, don't only pass it for your own sake, pass it for the sake of Malchus and to bring Moshiach.  That extra thought will effect the Oiloimois Elyoinim in a much more powerful way.

Pintele Yid
Last Edit: by iwillsucceed.
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