jewish wrote on 08 Nov 2012 16:54:
I personally think you (N2Q) are wrong and I believe most veterans will agree with me. It is not the current streak at all, it is how many cumulative days you have and who is winning more battles. I even saw someone post that he thinks there should be more of a stress on cumulative days than what on 90 day freak streak in the 90 day chart. The only problem with that would be the veterans will always be at the top because they have started earlier and have accumulated more clean days.
Thank you, cantdoitmyself, for pointing out that Jewish Jew and I agree.
However, I would still like to point out what I see as one advantage of focusing not just on cumulative days but on consecutive days. I have a Rebbi who once told me (regarding an entirely different subject) that it is always easier to stay clean that get clean. The reason is that one says to himself, "I have 5 days under my belt already! How can I throw that away?" Compare that to: "I'm gonna stay clean starting today." The Yetzer Hara just responds, "You have nothing to lose by starting tomorrow." While we all know how wrong he is, he can sometimes prove to be very convincing.