Dear holy Jew,
kol hakavod for sharing right afterwards with your accountability partner and with GYE. Now do not dwell on your fall and go weiter, holy warrior.
As far as suggestions are concerned. You should install a filter additionally to webchaver on your I-Phone. Generally do not use your I-Phone when going to bed. Comedy scenes and most types of entertainment, movies, etc on the internet and tv are toxic for us. They may not pose a problem for normal people but for us they are just too dangerous.
It is generally not a good idea to use the I-Phone when going to bed. Try something meaningful to end your day. Maybe some cheshbon hanefesh, something interesting or inspiring to read. If you want to look something inappropriate call someone beforehand, a sponsor or someone from GYEs.
If you act out because of stress you could try to learn how to relax and learn relaxation techniques, you'll sleep better and feel better. You could do a relaxation exercise before going to bed.
Often these types of behaviors are just indicative of a lack of something. You said that you need nurturing. Everyone needs nurturing to some extent but we have to find a healthy way.
This shabbes a rabbi from ritorno (a Israeli organization dealing with frum addicts) come to our yeshivo. In his dvar Torah he explained that Yehoshua was a "ish ruach" since he had an understanding of the spiritual, psychological side of human beings. Therefore HKB"H selected him, though Moshe's sons were greater Torah scholars.
He further explained that when bnai Yisroel had strong carvings (behalotcha), they wanted meat. They wanted someone to feed them, sounds familiar?
They were traumatized and they needed someone to speak to after all the sufferings of Mitzraim.
We all have sufferings and hard and difficult times, indeed Gedolei Hador said that the sufferings of klal yisroel have multiplied in the last generation (heard from Raw Shlomo Brevde, shlite).
If you can find someone, maybe a sponsor (e.g. through the GYE sponsor program) someone experienced, you can speak to, who will listen and can help you and guide you, then ashreicho vetov lach. I managed to speak to my rabbi about my issues and this was very helpful. But it is not an option for everyone.
Try the tahpsic method (see GYE handbook) it is very powerful.
Find alternative fulfillment, e.g. exercises. They have the power to take away depression and you'll feel much better, iyH.
About the hot shower or hot bath I am not sure. This was always a trigger for me. Sometimes it helps to eat something against the urge, e.g. some chocolate or something sweet. Just do something else and the urge will go away.
Even though you are a holy warrior, really HKB"H is fighting the war. Give the war over to him. He is the source of kedusho, let HKB"H fight for you and you can relax.
If you find yourself looking for safety maybe self-esteem is an issue. GYE has a powerful phone conference on this issue. Check also R' Abraham Terwski's books on this topic. They are highly inspirational.
Keep posting you are not alone, holy Jew.