When you are in love your whole world changes. You think about the one you love and you despise that which hurts the one you love. Being "in-love" is different than simply "loving". You love your children. Being "in-love"means that you can't wait to be with them and have them share their life with you!
Being "in-love" with Hashem means that this is your whole life, the breath of your life. "Toavas Hashem asher sanei" becomes despicable to you. You can't think about it without becoming disgusted.
Part of our purpose may be to fall in love with Hashem. We are drawn to To'ayvos and Teivos merely as a subterfuge to our real purpose. We can hack away at these desire all day, and all year! (as well we should). But are we getting to our true purpose? Are we changing who we are, or just forcing a change of what we do.
Nobody here is "in-love" with shmutz. If Iopened mycomputer and tried opening a browser which said "this site is no longer available - shmutz has been removed from the internet", I would rejoice! (Okay, maybe I would come back later and try again...) My point is, we are drawn to this stuff that we hate!!! This is perhaps the other side of the coin of what we are capable of. WE can be drawn to what we really love.
Don't get me wrong, I agree that we must force change in what we do as well. I'm just saying that from time to time it might be helpful to focus on our true love. To spend a little time contemplating that love and making it real. When we are able to do this (with His help), then the shmutz melts away automatically.
Just my ponderings for today.
Have a holy Shabbos,