E-Tek wrote on 19 Jul 2012 03:44:
How does one grow in Yiraas Shomayim?
(Rav Berkowitz, of course) BY GROWING IN EMUNAH. What is Emunah? An understanding of what the true reality is.
Work on living in reality as often as possible. You grow in Yiraas Shomayim.
And Dov would say, if reality tells you that Torah knowledge doesn't help, then do what works instead.
And vica versa. To each his own.
Hey, I just want to clarify that
I never said that Torah-knowledege doesn't help.
I never said that self-knowledge doesn't help.
Please bear with me (if u want to):
For a frum chronic masturbater
it just isn't working, and that is just a fact. It's not a religious or moral issue - but a historical fact.
Why is not relevant at this stage, but
what, is relevant. How did he (or she)
get that way in the first place is obvious! He (or she) does not possess a useful enough relationship with His G-d. I do not say a frum enough relationship or that he (or she) is not holy enough...but rather, I say
useful in terms of living free of the bondage to lust. Of course, as Alex posted above, a
new user, in early habitual use, is not in this category, at all!
Everybody does aveiros sometimes and usually chizzuk, mussar, his'orerus are needed,
and they work! A frum guy who is desperately stealing sweet porn-looks on a regular enough basis that it (or the struggle with it) is taking up too much real estate in his head, will be miserable. His relationship with his G-d is obviously not
working. And he (we) knows it. So he is miserable and fights, tries all sorts of things to stop (acts as though he
hates schmutz, even though he clearly loves it and runs after it at significant risk) and if he fails...he is probably an addict. Just like your run-of-mill drunk or crack user. Exact same type of person. Both are good people being truly
moser nefesh to drug up, and obviously cannot stop. He
knows this, but does not want to
face it because he assumes that is unacceptable and apikorsus....but really it's just plain old denial, but in (very) religious garb.
That's what I
do when I act out with sex or lust. The
why is actually not relevant to getting my sanity and freedom back. The answer that works for many drunks the world over is acceptance of the facts and taking action to stay sober by eliminating the secrecy, giving up (surrender) feeding our lust, and taking the actions of love to those around us, to Hashem, and to ourselves (mischaseid im atzmo).
The simple fact (Emess) is that
in my problem: I become desperate, very religiously embattled and focused, somewhat paranoid (think that people must somehow be looking down on me as a stinker), altogether self-obsessed, and the worse I feel about all this the more I am
moser nefesh to get my sweet fix of porn, fantasy, and/or orgasm! And it is all based on
secrecy which I maintain by teaching more Torah, being mekarev more people, davening with more kavonah - and being more critical of others....sheesh. It is exhausting to be crazy!
in my solution: I become progressively open about my past to other addicts like me, progressivley more open to my wife - and learn how to live totally open to
everybody about the
present. I practice progressively
giving rather than
taking; stop comparing everybody else's strong and good outsides to my weak and often bad insides; relax and accept G-d's Will for me as the best He has to offer for me right now instead of feeling sorry for myself all the time. For me, this takes real working with and speaking to G-d, real written work, and real (meaning,
in person) recovery relationships. No internet virtual username garbage would ever have worked for me - and would not work for me still.
But I am not saying YOU need what I need! Gezunderheit. GDo what works for you!! But if you are still mastubating yourself, I suggest that your blindness may be a lot worse than you realize...our comfort zone is always our problem, never the solution.
That much, I can say unequivocally...
None of this part of the solution is about thinking, mussar-ing, or hisbodedus. It is all about taking action. Hashem knew Avraham Avinu would overcome and do the akeidah all along. But He wanted Avraham Avinu to change through doing it. Only doing changes us.