Day 1: Post shabbat update
Shavua tov everyone. B''H I had a great Shabbat, and was able to start reading the GUE Attitude PDF (I printed it off before shabbat obviously!) I'm trying not to do it all in one sitting, so that I have some time to absorb the concepts. I found I was plagued by some mental images towards the end of shabbat, but I'm davening that Hashem will help me with those. I often find motzei shabbat/sunday a particularly difficult time, as I have so much 'spare' time (i.e. time I could be using for doing more useful things!). So I may well be popping in here a lot over the next 24 hours for some much needed chizuk - thanks for your support so far!
Thoughts I've found useful today (mostly gathered from the Attitude PDF):
1) Hashem thinks I've got it in me to pass this test, and who knows better than Him?
2) I've got a chance to do an incredible mitzva every single time I feel an urge to act out - talk about "b'chol l'vavecha uv'chol nafshecha uv'chol me'odecha"!
3) I've got a sickness - I have to actively seek out and implement the cure. This will necessarily involve changes, some big, some small, in the way I live my life. I haven't yet come to terms with that, but will need to if I want to control my life.