just a few notes from my diary:
I was on a high today. In fact since last Wednesday, the first sober day in my latest streak (5 days), I felt on top of the world. It feels like I’ve been sober for years. Today I had a busy schedule from 6:45am until 20:00. Davening (rosh chodesh), work and chavrusa, all seemed to be going quite well, despite me being exhausted at points. Boy, did I feel fulfilled. And free.
It came as a shock to me, when for the first time since my ‘new reality’ I felt like I was longing for sexuality. I felt a slight yearning for an opportunity to taste sexual arousal again. Of course these feelings are followed by immediate dismissal; after all I’m in the recovery process already, but they are disturbing. Will these feelings intensify? Am I meant to close my eyes to these urges or force them out? Maybe I should do neither. I need to accept them. Not to welcome them of course, but to accept the fact that that I’m having these feelings. I can’t close my eyes to the fact that I do taste sweetness in what is actually a bitter poison and I also have come to realise that by believing that I will be able to force them out, I am just letting myself into a head-on fight with an enemy far stronger than me. I will fall once again.
As I write these words, there’s an inner voice saying: “Who says? This time you have backing! Your group, contacts (which I have not made yet) etc etc. (what’s that?) what makes you think you WILL fall?”
But the history of this mistake is too sad to let me repeat it once again.
Yes I have these feelings. It’s undeniable. It’s also disappointing, but what do I expect after developing a taste for them for the last ten years or so. I defiantly can’t fight it. What am I meant to do?
I will call ____ right now...
Thanks ____! Really I’m a little confused, I can’t really pinpoint to what tool or advice ____ just gave me, he said quite a few things, but I feel good that I shared it with him. I guess I won’t want to call him back and disappoint him.
In the end of the day, I am still powerless over this addiction, I can’t afford to fall again, I have to live real life, because that’s the only ‘life’. All the rest is death. And Hashem, my tatty, please let this day, (yes this day; I can’t start to worry about tomorrow and the next day and this and that situation etc.) so let this day, Monday, 1 iyar 5772 pass without me acting out. You are in control now!
I don’t know how much of this is coming from what ____ said and how much I’m just feeling myself now, but if I feel this way suddenly after getting off the call to ____, I must thank him for this next time I speak to him.
Humpty Dumpty
all the kings horses and all he kings men couldn't put Humpty together again.
We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves
could restore us to sanity.