Hi Reb Dovid!
I think Alex's questions need to be answered honestly before you can move forward.
The nefila/charoto roller-coaster that is mentioned all over this website HAS driven me crazy for years, and brought me dangerously close to suicide when I realized there is nothing
I can do to break out.
Fortunatley, GYE came along by G-d's Grace, and I've been sober for 8 and a half months now for the first time in my life. That was possible by G-d's Grace, and by His Grace alone. But in order to allow G-d to enter and expell the obsession, we have to be committed to this program of honesty. And we have to be committed to
working a proven program.
So I think that unless we are honest about the fact that whatever we have been doing until now, hasn't worked (and our situation has possibly become progressively worse), and that if we don't do something about it, it will consume our lives, there is no way in the world we can hope for long-term recovery.
So to add to the questions, which in my opinion you ought to answer honestly in order to assess your situation honestly:
1. What bothers me about watching porn and masturbating, that I feel I must quit?
2. Where do I fall most often? Is it on the internet, in the office, or by frequenting brothels etc?
3. What fences can I erect to put some distance between me and compulsive masturbating?
You can look into the Taphsic method on this website, it discusses a great tool to help us stay sober (save for the shvuoh part).
Are you subscribed to the chizuk emails and are you reading any recovery literature regularly (daily or twice-daily)?
Have you read the "GYE in the Nutshell"? How about the Attitude Handbook?
While it's OK to take your sobriety one day at a time, or even one hour at a time (till midday etc), do you have a long term goal to stay sexually sober? Or do you just want to "enjoy and control" your compulsive behavior after going through a "detox" of sorts?
Again, just to underscore how important everything I wrote here has been in my recovery, please check out my recovery plan
here, keeping in my that it's worked for me to get me 258 days free of porn and masturbating.
Please stay in touch. I can only encourage you once again to stay true to your commitments to phonecalls etc, but only if you honestly want help.
Much love,