abcd1234 wrote on 10 Feb 2012 06:01:
I am trying really hard now. Not just to have a streak but to have a high quality streak that should end up biesras hashem being more than just a streak. I agree so much with the quality aspect you brought up. I had streaks but gazed at bad pics during the time. These past 4 days I havent looked at one bad picture
You're heading in the right direction. Clearly you need to redefine your goals here. A streak during which you haven't masturbated is not a streak of sobriety. If you're still looking at women in any setting you're still taking doses of the drug, and are still drunk with lust.
True change, true sobriety means much more than just abstinence, though. It means not
wanting to lust. Because you know it destroys you, kills your happiness. Sobriety means that any time you are tempted to begin lusting, in any form, you immediately surrender that taiva, that will, your will, to Hashem. You give up your will to Hashem. You do what
He wills you to do.
That's real recovery. Real change. Real growth.
It's just real.
Take a deep breath and try it. You'll like it. You'll be truly happy.