If you were born cursed, then I believe the only curse is this:
Women are on a pedestal for you. The 'untouchables'. The seperation from them in school - as if they are somehow poisonous...the story in 1st grade (and your reticence to spell out exactly what happenned)...I guess your definition of 'pure pritzus' is nudity of women...this yearning to be close to an "isha" - it proves that deep down inside, you truly believe that they and their nudity are powerful and precious to you. But they are not powerful. They are weak, just like you and me. They are not more precious than you or I are. They are just real, regular, people with the same worries and pains as you, me, and the rest of the world. They are not "isha"s and not things to 'gotta get close to'. They are people.
I am not lecturing you - you know all this in your head and I suspect always have. So I am not addressing your head. I am addressing your heart. Your heart is twisted, and sees value where there really is none.
Like most teenage boys with the tabboo of naked woman - they become powerful and valuable to us, and then when we discover masturbation they become like gasoline to the lust engine inside. It consumes, and satisfies...at first. Eventually it only consumes and does not satisfy. So we start searching for kinkier and riskier stuff. It stops being fun any more.
Ashrecha if you are ready to give it up. Please, please drop thinking and figuring it out. Just live clean today and don;t even consider what tomorrow will bring. You cannot do anything about it today, at all. Did anyone in the human race ever successfully go to the bathroom today - for tomorrow?! Never. You can only do today's work today, and will have to do tomorrow's work tomorrow. There is no trick, no gimmick, and no segulah to "beating" this. Sure, many sell such things. They are about "figuring it all out", "making yourself into a kadosh", "building a wall"...if they work for you, that's great.
If they do not, then you'll still be left with today, for today, and that's it. G-d is with you. Few of us allow Him to help us, even though we daven and daven...we do not change our values! The "race of women" and their powerful nudity retain that pedestal and power for us - and we expect G-d to keep us away from our gold?! We are the ones who give them this power. We can give up that right to have them, and choose to give up our lust just for this day. He will help us, but ein hadovor tolui ella bee.
We have some work to do. And it always and only starts with staying clean today, period. As a friend of mine (another drunk in recovery) used to say, "We can't think ourselves into right living - we can only live ourselves into right thinking."
He was right for giving it up and letting G-d. We were wrong for holding on and playing G-d.