I've decided to keep a little journal going on here, I fid that if I keep it to myself, ill stop doing it, and this way I can get help with things that are happening in my life.
I had a few thoughts...
a) Every Shabbos I look back on the past week, my goal usually is to have a clean week, so in my mind, if I havent had a clean week, its going to be a "not so spiritual" shabbes, which I realised recently is a very closed minded approach. The problem with it is, when I slip up on Sunday, i then think, oh, damn I've messed up the clean week already, tomorrow ill do better, the next day I think, "its so hard, a whole week till shabbes, its too hard, and then I slip", meaning shabbos is like the start and end point, its all about keeping the week clean (which I dont think ive done in the past 3 years).
I have to take each day at a time and forget about this whole shabbes shtick, everyday is whole entity to itself, its very hard to think like that though and change the approach.
Another thing I realised is that every shabbes, when I have time to reflect on the week, or any self reflective time for that matter, I'm way too negative about it, i don't have a very high self esteem, i always look at what went wrong that week, or how ive been bad, and the like, I dont really focus on the positive, such as...
- I woke up on time one day this week, learnt chassidus before davening and started with a minyan on time, which I hardly ever do ( then my mind thinks, oh, big deal, it was only one day, whats the point, it wasnt the whole week!)
- I'm doing smicha, which I never thought I'd be able to do.
- I'm working on myself
I cant really think about anything else positive right now, but I can deff. harp on the negative.
- I slipped up three times this week
- I'm behind in my learning, and ive got a test to still catch up
- I never daven with a minyan on time
- Im never gonna change
- I never wake up on time
- I'm not feeling connected, because I'm not davening properly.
So I guess the maskonoh of this rambling is a few things
a) Im too harsh on myself
b) When I reflect, i have to make sure to remember the positive things about the week too
c) I need to focus on taking each day at a time (does anyone have any ideas to help me with that?)
d) I need to make specific goals for the day, and take each day at a time.
Another thing, I went to a farbrengen last night, someone said something about taking things in small steps and breaking things up, which I could really relate to, and I see how that could help
By the way, I dont know if I should journal here, what do you guys think?