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I'm about to FALL!!
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: I'm about to FALL!! 214522 Views

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 08 May 2013 20:54 #206863

  • gibbor120
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Welcome Feivel! You are obviously reaching out by posting here, why not tell us more about yourself and your struggle?

Have you read the GYE handbook? Have you been following the forum?

Keep Posting.

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 08 May 2013 22:11 #206872

  • Oyyvey27
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I find these type of days realy hard and a real push towards porn towards my addiction. It's that type of day that I'm running arnd for work nothing realy getting done ( not that anything needs to get done). Though I'm doing my job I don't feel like I'm not accomplishing anything. I feel like I could fall off the face of the world for the next few hours and it want really make a difference to anyone. This obviously leaves me feeling depressed, sad and a sense of hopelessness/disappear. This allways pushes me towards my addiction towards porn/masturbation. Please help. I know it doesn't help my situation when I fall in fact it's a terrible cycle. But because its fantasy because it takes me out of reality is why it pulls me.

Please help

I'm going to try to surrender to Hasham to let it all pass because I know I'm turning to porn/masturbation.

Please help
Please be mechazik
I could use all the chizick I could get.

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 08 May 2013 22:31 #206875

  • zvi
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Don't despair! Remember- Hashem always loves you, and if you did 'fall of the face of the world' HE would notice. And that makes it all worth it!
Life’s a mountain. You just gotta keep climbing…

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 09 May 2013 05:55 #206904

  • YairA
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heyy whats up

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 09 May 2013 07:23 #206908

  • chachaman
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Let me ask you one thing--do you genuinely think acting out will make you feel better?

Or do you think it will make things worse? (Believe me, there's no situation so bad that acting out won't make it worse.)

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 09 May 2013 10:46 #206915

  • YairA
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it will make things worse.. but why do i want to do it so bad then?

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 09 May 2013 18:53 #206930

  • Oyyvey27
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Gosh what to do when wherever I turn there's something to look at? Yes there's taivah pulling me all the time. I have to run around for work a lot so I spend a lot of time on the road and there's beautiful women all over and most of them are dressed suggestively. Its lonely I'm running around on my own and only get to Talk to some shkutzim. What's a guy to do???? Driving around on my own seeing all this ( I never know how much I actually "look" till recently its like second nature). So I see something and that's a trigger or hear somthing that's a trigger or just that lonely and down feeling that's a trigger. (Sometimes seeing something and knowing I can't have and will never have it triggers a downer). Then it triggers me to want to turn to porn either its just the taivah and I want t"get off". or maybe its just getting out of realty for a little bit? Who knows?
I just thought I should post.
Please respond to this post I could use all the chizuk I could get.
(Also posting on my introduce yourself tread "here's my story please help"

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 01:36 #206992

  • chachaman
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Trust me, you're happier without it. Don't get bummed out that "Seeing something and knowing I can't have and will never have it". The happiest people are those that are happy with what they have.

But yeah, those problems are tough for all of us. KOT man!

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 01:59 #206997

  • Oyyvey27
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Had a great couple of days finally came clean to my therapist Sunday and that we got to work on my problem BH since then no porn although I fell once it's been a pretty good week

But now I feel like I'm slipping I feel like temptation is overpowering.

My wife is mutter now and maybe I should channel It there.
That makes me feel guilty. Am i using her?

Oyy It's so powerful.

I do have to admit that it's only been a couple of days but I think I feel closer to my wife today than I did last week. I seems to feel like the love is more real.

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 03:26 #207004

  • YairA
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just saying David Hamelech tried to subdue his inclination for Batsheva by being with his wife and that did not work out well.
Your wife is not for your pleasure..

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 03:57 #207008

  • Watson
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I suddenly got a huge urge to browse for some pictures. I managed to find some and started looking. Then I remembered my neder about saying all of sefer tehillim and thought that I don't really want to have to say all of them. But that wasn't quite enough. Finally I remembered about this thread and came here and started typing. As I type the yetzer horah is slowly leaving me. So, I think I'l continue to type for a few minutes about how bad this yetzer hora is. It can come at any time. Even though I have 2 filters on my computer I still managed to find some pictures. I need the computer for work so I am always susceptible to this yetzer horah. There is nowhere safe. I have to find ways to beat the yetzer horah. I must fight because I sure can't run or hide. Truthfully I don't understand this yetzer hora anyway. What pleasure is there in seeing pictures, why is that arousing? we all know that they're just pixels on a screen, why should this even be a struggle? I mean, objectively speaking it makes no sense. I suppose that's the yetzer hora's trick. He blows things up and makes them look important when they're not. But it's funny to think that any maloch looking at me right now would think i'm an idiot that i can be taken in by such a superficial pleasure. I mean, if there's a picture on my screen, I can just look 2 inches behind the screen and see the back of it. There's no lady there, it's just a box. A box full of lies and deceit, of trickery. Well I'm not going to be tricked! Wow, this really helps. Thanks guys.
Last Edit: 10 May 2013 04:11 by Watson.

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 04:36 #207009

  • Oyyvey27
  • Senior Boarder
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Yaira. I hear ya there's defiantly something to what your saying. But I think there is something to chanaling to ones wife I don't think chas v'shalom that one can use his wife for just his own plasure. But I think there is something to pushing or saving ur taivah to ones wife.
Anyways just my thoughts.

Qi. Wow I found that post so so inspirational. Please keep posting I'm realy enjoying them.

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 06:30 #207011

  • YairA
  • Current streak: 1 day
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why is it so pleasurable looking at inappropriate things??
i think it is a tremendous gift from Hashem.
would we ever be able to be with our wives without this pleasure?
we know we wouldnt. so i think Hashem in his infinite kindness instilled into us this taivah but we just have to channel it properly.
also, one hour of education is worth more than 1000 hours of discipline, so lets get educated!
--"The Midrash (Bamidbar Rabbah 14,4) states that if one studies a subject intensely, Hashem removes the Yetzer Harah from him with regard to that subject." - Cited in Chofetz Chaim - A Daily Companion, 2008, Mesorah Publications)
so lets study this subject and get smart and stop fighting and start living!!

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 07:18 #207013

  • chachaman
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a cocaine addict can learn all about the biology of cocaine and stuff, but learning wont make it go away.

this isn't like any other area of middos.

And the argument "if I like it so much it must be good" is quite fallacious.

YairA, if your approach works for you, tremendous! Im not sure it will work for most people on this forum (who have most likely already tried similar methods).

I'm a bochur, but it seems like that would be the equivalent of a fall if you used her in that manner. why not take a 2 week break or something?

Re: I'm about to FALL!! 10 May 2013 07:21 #207014

  • chachaman
  • Gold Boarder
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and you're right, it IS a tremendous gift. So is food--but if you abuse food, you'll balloon to 500 pounds and suffer health problems.

really, it is a gift. But we've all misused it, and we need more drastic means of recovery.
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