Bh i have completed 90 days as of today, erev rosh hashonah! As i went into the mikva i prayed that this will be the start to a much longer journey. I could have not done it without you all, and this community, but especially 2 of you. I will try not to focus on the one or two slips i had on the way and just be proud that i made it here, although I feel sick about approaching rosh hashonah with what actions i did before the 90 days started!
I wanted to wish you all a Kesivah Vchasimah Tovah, may you have a clean year, a year where you reach hights that were unimaginable till now. May you be a chizuk for this community and your family. May you be healthy and happy, and may Hashem forgive us for all our sins, but not through any punishment, but acceptance of our teshuvah. May you have much nachas from your families, and may your wives help you in your journey, whether they know or not!
I really hope and pray that I can write next year that I have been clean the whole year, although i seem to be having doubts which is upsetting me. The phone has to stay out the bathroom, that is lesson one i think for me, anyway have a good yom tov all.