Ok! So it's time for my first bout of "thought" concerning the past 36 hours.
Unfortunately it's seems to be taking a lot longer for the "water" of the Torah and the phone group to penetrate my rocky heart, but I'm not despairing! It will happen.
I have found myself riddled with RID for may days now for all sorts of reasons and as a result (maybe because I have not taken on a sponsor yet?) I have gone right back to my favorite "fix". Spent several hours ogling girls and then... :'(
I find it very hard to focus on what I need to get done, even though my parnassa is dependent upon me working at full capacity. (And my parnassa is not what I need to support my family as it is). >
During the day, in order to keep my mind off the various stresses of my day, during my food breaks I watch something. What I watch depends on my mood: some days its a documentary, some days a movie (broken into 3 parts for 3 meals), some days I'll read something.
Most days I have a pretty consistent schedule: get up at 6-6:15 daven 6:30, mikvah, help at home, go work in my "office" until 4:30 PM go learn with a chavrusa until 6:30 PM mincha, join on the 12:00 PM DUvid Chaim call, (7:00 PM Israel time), eat dinner (sometimes with family) then until about 12:00 AM work on writing-up some topic that I am interested in for various reasons.
When the house is quiet and I'm sitting there (here, as I am right now) in my office/learning room all by myself. All of the family except me are sleeping. I'm a little too tired to really learn well, but I tell myself "I can't go to sleep just yet!" (I'm still trying to figure out why not)... that's usually when the thought hit's me: Shlomo... WHY don't you look at that...? You know how to circumvent the...! You KNOW that you really just want to... and my mind just shuts down at that point. And an hour later I find that... it's the morning after again! AARGH! >
But my day is not all bad. True I didn't make it to Shachris on time, joined a little late, I davened Mincha and Ma'ariv be yechidus because ... just because. (Mincha I didn't really have much choice as my wife went to the hospital today. B"H she's back at home already! Everything's ok). ??? I missed my chavrusa because I had to go to the hospital with my wife. No bittul Torah there, Chesed in it's stead.

Went for a physical at the DR. today, ve nishmartem.

Finished off an article that I was working on. ;D (Talmud Torah).
Now here I am at the end of this long day (B"H after I finish here I will go to bed, go directly to bed, I will not open up an internet site, I will not pass "go" and will not collect a measly 100$ of cheap instant pleasure) doing cheshbon hanefesh. That's a good thing. ;D
I must repeat to myself 10 times "I don't want to do an aveira! I am an Eved HaShem!"
I will say Krias Shema with kavvana and I will see you all motzai Shabbos!