I think that being a part of an accountability group would be good for you. The knas ("a fine") is only when someone falls, not a membership fee. So far it only happened once, maybe twice. And as long as you're not the one who fell, you give only $5 to charity of your choice. But it's a great tool of accountaability - you know I'm not gonna be happy to part with my five bucks, so it may give you an extra incentive to hold out.
But I wanted also to address what you said:
strugglingandstrivngBT wrote on 29 Aug 2011 01:59:
but it really is important to me. i want to have a good relationship with Hashem and my future wife (whoever she may be), and I cant do that with lust so engrained. i dont know if I can ever get it to go away entirely, but a bit weaker would be really nice.,..
here is a quote from the Attitude handbook, available for free download on guardyoureyes.com:
"Although we have an addiction, determination is completely up to us. The trick to ultimate success is only to want enough. So let’s be honest with ourselves. If we find that we don’t want to let go fully of the lust, let’s ask ourselves “why not?” Do we really need the lust? What is it doing for us? There are so many far more important things in life! When we try to hold on to the poison of lust, we are acting like little babies who kick and scream when their father tries to take the colorful little medicine pills that they thought were candies away from them. Lust is poison! If we keep feeding it, it will ultimately destroy our lives. Let our loving Father take it away from us."
So I just wanted to ask you: Why do you want a little bit of poison? Take a whole jar...
I'm sorry to hear about your ups and downs, buddy, but I beleive you can do much better than until now.
Stay strong.