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a few questions
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TOPIC: a few questions 311 Views

a few questions 07 Aug 2011 04:26 #113775

i just got engaged a few weeks ago. b'h i've been clean for almost two months now. my problem is that I'm still getting urges to act out. but what's really bothering me is that already three times I've dreamed that i fell and woken up actually having "gotten off". first of all, is that considered a fall? and second of all what do i do because it just proves that I'm thinking about it too much. btw in the dreams I'm actually looking at inappropriate material and i realize that I'm not supposed to.
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Re: a few questions 07 Aug 2011 06:57 #113780

  • dov
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Unless you have been acting out on a regular basis and this has been a big issue for you through your life, yes - you are probably thinking about it too much.

One of the worst things we can do to 'deal with' our problem, is to create a mountain out of a molehill. Thinking about it and agonizing over it and trying to perfect our taharah in it...are all playing into the hands of the YH. They backfire and draw us after it even more.

As in, "Do not think about a three-legged pink elephant. Quick!!"

So "Keep On Trucking" is by far the best attitude for someone like that (which is probably most people). We all have tayvos. C'mon. Hashem does not fault us for having tayvos. He says, "Lo sasuru acharei..." And here you are worried about maybe acting out in your sleep?!

Hashem has helped you so much till now, and it sounds like you have grown so much so far. You have found a decent woman with which to build a real life together. To grow together with before Hashem. Wow.

Take it easy brother. Keep sharing your challenges, remain vigilant against selfishness and self-centeredness...but don't take yourself too seriously. Relax.

Never go to sleep afraid that you will have a wet dream. Go to bed with confidence that Hashem will take care of you just fine without your help. I say a tehilim and daven for those people I lusted after, using their real names directly, and tell Hashem
that i trust Him to help me have agood night's rest and wake up besimcha no matter what - even if it is nigzar on me that I have a bad dream. I say Adon Olam, I make sure to smile and than Hashem for the nice day and for my being alive, etc. Then i put myself and my Neshoma in His hands and go to sleep.


"Off the 18-wheeler and fine on this tricycle!", "I do not particularly care exactly which "lav" suicide is. I'm not interested in it for other reasons...and you are probably the same."
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Re: a few questions 07 Aug 2011 08:07 #113782

  • Jackabbey
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kreyas shma bkavono, and saying the first 4 kapitlech of tehilim b4 going to bed, also a regular daily sheur of mishnayos b4 bed will help, best would be to learn one mishne baal peh every night and think it over in your mind over and over and fall asleep with it, carry on and hashem will help you
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Re: a few questions 08 Aug 2011 19:41 #114010

  • shteighecher
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  • KOT. ODAAT. Keep on Trucking. One Day At A Time.
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bardichev wrote on 08 Aug 2011 19:09:

AchazoBolmus wrote on 08 Aug 2011 14:06:

I am an avreich who has struggled for over 20 yrs. I'm happily married with 4 kids BEH and it kills me that I can't get past this. B"H I discovered this site and hope to share the success so many of you have had. I've spent the last couple of days reading the Handbook and various posts.
About the name- Rashi in Vayera says Lot was "lohut achar bolmus shel arayos". Bolmus is a disease characterized by extreme cravings (mishna in last perek of yoma). I think we all understand the term "bolmus shel arayos".
Hatzlacha to everyone.


Yes We Can!!!, Yes We Can!!!, Yes We Can!!!,
With Hoshems Help
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Re: a few questions 08 Aug 2011 20:30 #114018

  • chazak
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my friend some times people rethink things obsessively because of a minor OCD which is in them so stop thinking that you are bad because of thinking back. think that this is the way your mind works it just brings you obsessive thoughts of old memories. thinking this way will help you stop thinking of it if you wont be upset at your self. etc.   
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Re: a few questions 08 Aug 2011 20:31 #114019

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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And Mazal Tov!

Keep your guard up.  Marriage won't solve a lust addiction.  So keep working on your recovery.  Sounds like you're making great strides!

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