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I need to quit...
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.
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TOPIC: I need to quit... 313 Views

I need to quit... 06 Aug 2011 00:27 #113748

  • Happyme0
I shouldn't have commit the sin the first place after the wet dream and I should quit right away seems like the evil inclination is tempting me worst the best way never fall after you have 40 days streak because it's worst for me but If I can get back to not looking at porn like before I would be much happier without it. lasted only 14 days and I need it to be forever life time without porn but the soton is far worst but it will be better later when I win ,someone please help me need to recover.
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Re: I need to quit... 06 Aug 2011 22:21 #113755

  • Jackabbey
  • Gold Boarder
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the 14 days are never lost, if you fall again, its not that you fell BACK, its just that you fell "again", so maybe go thru the handbook & the attitude file again, then just try for one more complete day, then for just another one and take it from there, the falling should give you strength, by knowing what your enemy is capable, and by knowing how powerfull your enemy is, you can overcome him much better, with the right energy to conquer that powerfull enemy.
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Re: I need to quit... 09 Aug 2011 21:17 #114084

  • hubabuba
  • Gold Boarder
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Hey pal, I'm right behind you!
Keep posting on this forum and get onto the 90 day chart-it's an amazing tool and you'll surprise yourself!


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Re: I need to quit... 10 Aug 2011 04:44 #114108

  • Happyme0
Thank you KH, you too post away we'll make it to 90 days with Hashem's help and also with a little of helping ourselves too . It's a great surpised for 90 days and I haven't reach it yet... I'm getting tired of falling from the porn and sin gets no where except back to where i am... if woman dress modestly and the world deleted porn on the internet that would be great but still wouldn't solved much. If i go back in time as a kid and guard my eyes from porn I wouldn't suffer much as right now. the more you pass days and weeks or years without mast. and keep pure the more Y"H actively fighting it's and a lot women on street passing by want your attention to look at them. basically common sense and to maybe sin with them and they didn't know because it's the Y"H telling them to commit sin and they love to suck away our kadusha.
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Re: I need to quit... 10 Aug 2011 05:33 #114115

  • Happyme0
JackInShteeble wrote on 06 Aug 2011 22:21:

the 14 days are never lost, if you fall again, its not that you fell BACK, its just that you fell "again", so maybe go thru the handbook & the attitude file again, then just try for one more complete day, then for just another one and take it from there, the falling should give you strength, by knowing what your enemy is capable, and by knowing how powerfull your enemy is, you can overcome him much better, with the right energy to conquer that powerfull enemy.

Thank you also JackInShteeble for the advise it helps
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Re: I need to quit... 10 Aug 2011 15:38 #114145

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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Reb Happy,

What are you doing for your recovery?  Are you just fighting as hard as you can or have you started working the steps?

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Re: I need to quit... 10 Aug 2011 16:14 #114147

  • Happyme0
I'm just going on GYE website for help and 12 step by step method to recover from my addiction and yes I fighting as hard as I can, hopefully get to 90 days pure and forever more with Hashem's help and not to destroy my yesod... and what about you? how many days you are at right now?
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Re: I need to quit... 10 Aug 2011 16:39 #114148

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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I have been working the steps on my own for the past 2-1/3 years and have been clean for the same.  I never get complacent.  I practice extreme shmiras eynayim and I think this is the area where we have the most control.  When lustful thoughts come knocking, I right away start going through the steps, turning my lust over to Hashem and begging for his help.  Right away.  Early interception.

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Re: I need to quit... 11 Aug 2011 17:07 #114288

  • Happyme0
That's great, glad you are doing well on keeping on being pure and full control. but as for me my addiction is making me struggle and it's drowning me in depths but as an addict I just have to control it not let my body control over me, to me addiction is like being addictted to ciggerttes.
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Re: I need to quit... 11 Aug 2011 18:29 #114304

  • ben yaakov
listen to alexel I found the same thing I coudn't and can't control this addiction you have to do the steps "step 1" give up admit that we are powerless against this addicton and ask hashem for help
it realy helps it takes away the struggle
hatzlacha raba
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Re: I need to quit... 11 Aug 2011 19:04 #114309

  • alexeliezer
  • Gold Boarder
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Happyme0 wrote on 11 Aug 2011 17:07:

That's great, glad you are doing well on keeping on being pure and full control.

My friend Happyme0,

I'm not really in control.  But I know where I can control myself and where I cannot.
If I'm alone at night with a computer, I don't know if I'll have control, so I simply don't let it happen.  I stay away from the computer after my wife has gone to sleep.

And if there's a scantily-clad girl in the street and I check her out, I won't be able to control myself later.  But I can control myself not to look in the first place; to quickly turn MY HEAD (and even my whole body) and avert my eyes for the few seconds until the nisayon passes.

And if a fantasy enters my mind and I let it stay there and go with it, then when I try to go to sleep at night it will come back and you know...
But when my radar detects a fantasy showing up, I can scream out to Hashem to help me (I SAY the first 3 steps in the first person; I've turned them into a tefila).  And He is kind to me, and takes it away before it settles in.

You can do this.  But you have to be willing to give up lust.  Can you honestly say, "I don't want to lust" ?  Then say it.  Say it over and over.

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Re: I need to quit... 11 Aug 2011 19:48 #114326

  • Happyme0
But if we admit that we are powerless over our body then the Y"H will find a alot of tricks to make us sin and sin agian of being powerless remember that we came from a little drop of sperm and millions and billions died and one sperm made it guess who's that, that us if we can struggle before when we were born than we can do it and try our hardest best way to serve G-d in His torah and laws that's what matters not talking to much and not doing, admit that we have sinned and do better next time and we are not perfect and also we are not powerless it's just our weakness that we need to fix from pervious life everybody gots there own and but unless we are born with a mental disabilty in the brain G-d forbid than that's a different story... it's like smoking ciggerttes we know it's going to hurt us but we keep on doing it and then when it hits us real hard on the head then we would have no choice but to quit, the Y"H make excuses like alittle more and i'll quit, it's like when i smoke ciggerttes i'll quit tommorow hopefully it will be no more addiciton in ciggerettes next time.
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Re: I need to quit... 11 Aug 2011 19:54 #114328

  • Happyme0
that's true too if we can control it and guard our eyes yes and of course not alex we all have lust on something from before in our life and need to fix it but How many people do you think fall on this category on sexual stuff like porn?
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Re: I need to quit... 11 Aug 2011 21:26 #114351

  • ben yaakov
HI Happy
the Y"H can fight us he's here before us and after but he can't fight Hashem. Hahem is us and our strengh.
I tried for over 20 years to fight and lost I thought I was weak a loser I couldn't win.
Only after I understood addiction and what it means that the addiction has full control and the only way out was to admit this and ask hashem for help and of course have a sponser was I able to win(meaning stay clean for over a year)
We are not born with this weakness we created this weakness ourselves by using P&M  again and again as a way to handle problems or just to feel good. 

I don't know much about smoking if it's the same I don't smoke. 
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