ur-a-jew wrote on 01 Aug 2011 19:23:
It is one thing to recognize that Hashem can heal me. It is another to say that because of that I am not going to seek out help from others in staying sober. I would venture to say that you engaged in addictive conduct for way longer than you have been sober. And that in the past you had resolved to stop, maybe even stopped for a period of time and then restarted. Knowing that, what is the harm of having an accountability partner who can help you in the struggle and keep you in check when those inevitable "lust attacks and urges" approach. Calling on an accountability partner is not a contradiction to bitachon in Hashem. The only "downside" I can see with such an approach is that it forces us to admit publicly (or at least to another person) that maybe we just aren't as great as the world holds us out to be.
I likewise fail to understand what can be wrong with passing "on the message" to others. But, if you have a method that works for you I am happy for you and I wish you continued Hatzlacha.
To clarify:
Firstly, there is a difference in involving others in your recovery, as in listening to their attitudes and what's worked for them, then relying on them. When it comes to relying on them, we're told - אל תבטחו בנדיבים בבן אדם
שאין לו תשועה. Relying on people sometimes means, that not only can't they help you, but they also can't help themselves! Listening to other people and hearing from them can be very helpful in knowing what to expect from yourself in your recovery. Involving others in your recovery, relying on them as "support", in
my case (and I speak for myself here) that's only led to ultimate disaster.
My personal guidelines are, "share attitude, but rely only on Hashem."
Secondly, I don't think accountability partners - in general - are such a simple subject. Here's a quote from the
Rambam's Hilchois Teshuva (2:5):
ה. ושבח גדול לשב שיתוודה ברבים ויודיע פשעיו להם, ומגלה עבירות שבינו לבין חברו לאחרים, ואומר להם אומנם חטאתי לפלוני ועשיתי לו כך וכך, והריני היום שב וניחם. וכל המתגאה ואינו מודיע, אלא מכסה פשעיו--אין תשובתו גמורה, שנאמר "מכסה פשעיו, לא יצליח. במה דברים אמורים, בעבירות שבין אדם לחברו. אבל שבינו לבין המקום--אינו צריך לפרסם עצמו, ועזות פנים היא לו אם גילם: אלא שב לפני האל ברוך הוא, ופורט חטאיו לפניו, ומתוודה עליהן בפני רבים, סתם. וטובה היא לו שלא נתגלה עוונו, שנאמר "אשרי, נשוי פשע; כסוי חטאה. ע"ש
It's plain tricky. That's just
my opinion.
Thirdly, "passing on the message to others" is a wonderful thing, as well as a great chesed! I was talking about one's own recovery being
based on it, where I said in
my situation, that this is not the case.