alexeliezer wrote on 01 Aug 2011 16:57:
Perhaps when you have time you can share with the kehilla some specifics of yours.
Taking it from the top; the first thing that got me set on my path and continues to fuel my recovery is this. I learned it in Tanya (it's the first few lines in the beginning of chapter 14), and coming from a place where all I heard is "you can't!, you can't!" - this gave me tremendous support that "I can do this!" and that I can succeed!
This is the text: I was going to bold the parts that I want to stress, but the whole thing (every word) should be emphasized. So, here:
והנה מדת הבינוני היא מדת כל אדם ואחריה כל אדם ימשוך שכל אדם יכול להיות בינוני בכל עת ובכל שעה כי הבינוני אינו מואס ברע שזהו דבר המסור ללב ולא כל העתים שוות אלא סור מרע ועשה טוב דהיינו בפועל ממש במעשה דבור ומחשבה שבהם הבחירה והיכולת והרשות נתונה לכל אדם לעשות ולדבר ולחשוב גם מה שהוא נגד תאות לבו והפכה ממש כי גם בשעה שהלב חומד ומתאוה איזו תאוה גשמיית בהיתר או באיסור ח"ו יכול להתגבר ולהסיח דעתו ממנה לגמרי באמרו ללבו אינני רוצה להיות רשע אפי' שעה אחת
And a few points I personalized;
- That
anyone can be a Beinoni [a person who is in control of his thought speech and action and subjugates it to G-d] no matter the person, and no matter how "addicted" he is. It's
very doable.
- That everyone
should make an attempt at being a Beinoni.
- That being a Beinoi is a thing in the
present - and that with practice, a person can be a Beinoni even for just a portion of his day.
- That being a Beinoni has
nothing to do with a person's desire for lust, and that it
only has to do with
what's actually expressed in his thought, speech, and action.
- That a Beinoni
still gets lust attacks and urges, and
that's alright.
- That
everyone has the
רשות and
בחירה at
any given moment, to
take charge of his thought, speech, and action, and to think holy thoughts,
even int he face of being bombarded with evil thoughts.
Knowing "that" I can and "how" I can - and knowing that the Torah was backing me and supporting me - that itself made the struggle much easier. Then I begain working on internalizing these few lines (coupled with some other chapters) and putting them to practice.
I hope this helps.