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life of a lamed vavnik
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TOPIC: life of a lamed vavnik 9700 Views

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 06:33 #36308

too much fantasizing ! my brain is on overdrive! >  stop the train i want to  get off!!!  >
i'm still not doing everything i can too stop this but i'm on my way  . i will still ask H' to help me along the way even if i'm not taking it on from every angle .  but  i still have to post my takes on the attitude handbook and my daily dose of bitochon  .
believe in H' ! trust in H"! itll have to do for now
Last Edit: by rikki23.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 13:44 #36356

  • imtrying25
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Hey LV whats up?? How are you doing?? Forget the d*** Kumzitz. so you couldnt make it. Big deal. More importantly how are things going??
Last Edit: by mendysos3.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 14:28 #36371

  • silentbattle
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One day at a time...

Do you have other activities you can get involved in when you feel yourself suddenly on the fantasy train? Some way to slip out the side door and safely land on the tracks, letting the train go on without you?
Last Edit: by shemiratheyes.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 18:54 #36473

  • the.guard
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The Vilna Goan writes (in Even Sh'laymo) that bitachon (Trust in Hashem) is the opposite of taivah for physical pleasure. To battle taivah we need to trust in Hashem. Taivos are based on a drive to fill a physical need that we feel we must have ... or we'll die. We must have it NOW. We feel tat we must provide ourselves with it. WE feel that we have to take care of ourselves because if we don't, who will? Take it, steal it, etc... or you won't get it. Trust teaches us the opposite. Hashem provides. Hashem takes care of us. Hashem gives us what we need.

Sound familiar?

Let go and let G-d care for you.

Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by jakesbrother.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 18:58 #36476

  • yechidah
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Poem by

Pamilla deLeon- Lewis,

When the clouds seem their darkest

And the daylight won’t come;

When you’re up to your ears and drowning

And can’t find a straw to hang on.

When your load gets too heavy, or your shoes get too tight;

When you’re faced with life’s battles and have no will to fight;

Remember: Let go and let God.

Remember: He is the way.

You just trust in God’s mercy every night and every day;

Remember: All thru the darkness

Remember: All thru the storm

There’s a Light there to guide you.

And the Good Lord to lean on. 

Last Edit: by ms123ms123.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 20:05 #36498

baruch H' i'm OK 25. thanx .
guys please forgive me . but if one more person quotes me" let go and let G-d" i will eat my shoe(at least that will keep me busy) . 
words words words!  anybody ready to give some ACTUAL PRACTICAL  advice of HOW to let go and let G-d  when i can barely think about anything at will when the taivah grabs hold of me . the reason why i started writing the piece on  the Gra(and stopped in the middle ) is precisely b/c i'm looking for a PRACTICAL mehalach  for what to DO . i have plenty for when it isn't hitting me  b/f and after . my question is when it does .
i was somewhat successful today in focusing my mind on my blessings and thinking of the gifts of various abilities i have  that others may not . the times when it hits me are times when i can;t really do anything else like i'm standing on the bus or about to fall asleep. those limbo times . i need something to combat the other thoughts w/ to push them out of my head. 
letting G-d care for me is not an action or hishtadlus on my part . the trust in  H' is for the success in the battle , the victory . that's not up to me , but the fight is . i am supposed to fight and i need  more eqiupment. i'm just standing there and letting him take  free shots at me . i don't think anyone would say that's called letting G-d , that's called letting yourself get beat up  OR
if i go w/ the Gra  and bitochon IS the weapon. what does that translate into on the battle field ? how do i use that ? what do i think/say? 

Last Edit: by dan39.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 20:31 #36506

  • tester613
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Hi Lamed Vav,
You are my kind of guy.  I agree that "Let Go Let G-d" is not practical and is highly overused on this site.  In fact, when I did research on what the term really meant, I was shocked to find it has no real agreed upon definition in the AA world. I was just a slogan passed around from generation to generation and every "AA expert" seems to have his own definition. IN fact, one of the aspect of 12 steps that confuse people about it is defining this undefined term.    I have seen articles of AA people who after being sober for many years still struggle with the definition. 

Anyway, if you are looking for practical advice, please get hold of vhaer eneinu.  It is short and practical.  Also, see Battle Plan.  Guard mentioned it on the chizuk emails and is sold in all stores.  It is thorough, practical, and based on real Jewish sources.  Just beware, it is written by women, but I must say they did a good job.

good luck
Last Edit: by 02y22h99.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 20:35 #36508

on the avodah side
i'm starting  a count for two things that i have a problem with .
1- staring at women .
2- listening at night for sounds of s*x.  i don't want to do either of these things again but i can't just stop. so .........
this week i am working on   not staring during problem times, like on the bus and in the street .  that 's not so much time.  starting tomorrow . 3 strikes and i'm out  and i have to   think of a punishment for myself .  can't be $ cuz i ain't got none to lose .
as far as the listening , the nite is the time  . so i won't do it on problem nites like thursday friday and sat. nite  . when i have the most time.  lets hold this for say 2 weeks? then i up it ! good luck to me!   :D
Last Edit: by iamenough.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 20:38 #36509

hey thanx Ykv!  i just saw this .  i'll look into it !
Last Edit: by aelmod.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Dec 2009 21:02 #36523

  • imtrying25
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Ykv_schwartz wrote on 21 Dec 2009 20:31:

Hi Lamed Vav,
You are my kind of guy.  I agree that "Let Go Let G-d" is not practical and is highly overused on this site.  In fact, when I did research on what the term really meant, I was shocked to find it has no real agreed upon definition in the AA world. I was just a slogan passed around from generation to generation and every "AA expert" seems to have his own definition. IN fact, one of the aspect of 12 steps that confuse people about it is defining this undefined term.    I have seen articles of AA people who after being sober for many years still struggle with the definition. 

Anyway, if you are looking for practical advice, please get hold of vhaer eneinu.  It is short and practical.  Also, see Battle Plan.  Guard mentioned it on the chizuk emails and is sold in all stores.  It is thorough, practical, and based on real Jewish sources.  Just beware, it is written by women, but I must say they did a good job.

good luck
Ditto that. Im still trying to figure out what in the world this really means. I have a pshat. Speak to the guys who were by the Kumzitz. But im still not so convinced. And lfi my pshat it wouldnt help in the heat of the moment. I wanted to post about this term but im too lazy to ever get around to it.
Last Edit: by glennieg.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 22 Dec 2009 13:54 #36832

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 745 days
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Let go and let G-d

So will you be eating your shoe with chumus or ketchup?
Let us know how it tastes. ;D
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by farbli123.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 22 Dec 2009 20:03 #36941

you know big G , you have a cruel streak  in you . :-*
who would eat a shoe w/ anything but ketchup ?  (tastes like chicken . )
Last Edit: by phil1234.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 22 Dec 2009 20:18 #36952

struck out today in the staring category . BUT definitely better than i was .  it's hard to stay focused. tomorrow  clean eyes ! on the way in and out of work . (at work is a diff.  problem of co-workers .complicated ??? but next on the list) .
today clean from listening which i'm coming to realize is just a form of assisted fanasizing .sort of using sounds as props to aid my already twisted brain. dec 22 clean . i'm trying  to  stay clean straight it's too complicated to have days when i'm "allowed to ..
it 'll mess me up(already has). even though i  wanted to start  off slow . not sure how to do this.
also - worked on trusting H' today . focused on putting my trust in H' that  he will give me what i need today  for food . it comes from him, i don't work to get it or pay for it . he gives me what i need to have . it was nice . i want to try to get more specific and detailed in my trust to put feeling in the event that H' is taking care of me  .   
Last Edit: by advernturetest18181818.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 22 Dec 2009 20:44 #36962

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 745 days
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Seems like you're getting better at "Letting go and letting G-d".

Oy, there goes the other shoe  :'(. What will you wear?
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by jlazoff.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 22 Dec 2009 20:47 #36965

  • tester613
  • Current streak: 286 days
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The problem is not what he will wear but what will he eat next time you say, "Let Go Let G-d".  I guess he can move on eating his socks.
Last Edit: by sammydammy.
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