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life of a lamed vavnik
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A platform of recovery for Jews who find themselves struggling with addictions to pornography, masturbation or other sexual problems. Post anonymously about your struggles without fear of anyone finding out who you are. Ask questions, post answers and be inspired! Get tips and guidance from the experts who moderate this forum, as well as from fellow strugglers.

TOPIC: life of a lamed vavnik 9704 Views

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Oct 2009 20:45 #24895

  • bardichev
Last Edit: by zevy bal tzuva.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Oct 2009 20:49 #24899

  • me3
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lamed vavnik wrote on 11 Oct 2009 19:35:

BTW can anyone see my picture b/c i can't

HELLO! "LAMID VAVNIK" Of course they can't see your picture! It's hidden.

Anyway in all seriousness (I know not a frequent occurance) Stay Strong buddy.

We are rooting for you!
Last Edit: by 333.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 21 Oct 2009 21:13 #24906

  • the.guard
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lamed vavnik wrote on 21 Oct 2009 20:43:

full of tiavah a little frustrated and frazzeld , but holding my own and happy to be alive .  today was better than yesterday .( that's b/c yesterday really stunk!)   : : :

Did you see we quoted you in today's chizuk e-mail? (#610)
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: by 60000.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 23 Oct 2009 08:55 #25171

why would you do a thing like that ? got nottin' better to do than quote me? get a hobby man.
Last Edit: by pleasegod.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 28 Oct 2009 18:42 #26104

i'm sure my wife is getting totally anoid with me on the comp. so long but i have to try aND STAY CLEAN .  i feel if i am alone with myself i'm lost.
Last Edit: by Cancro.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 28 Oct 2009 19:06 #26119

aaaAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!! i'm going to doven maariv now. :
Last Edit: by Lamont.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 29 Oct 2009 06:34 #26176

well, it's done .i lost it . i'm not grieving ,i'm actually relieved .i knew it would come after i expose myself to that stuff it always does.
one thing is clear .  i was fine b/f and now i'm not. it's bad for me . the stuff is poison . 100% poison. so powerful , it's unreal . it's distilling all of lust into a pill and giving it to you .it's not life . so overwhelming  . i can't ever have anything to do w/ it or i will never be able to live a normal life . how can you? you can't see anything normally anymore, no woman ,no wife , no relationship . it's mamash a drug , a straight out drug. a mental drug . i never saw the effect, the contrast in my life so clearly b/f. if i look at this stuff i can't be normal . i have to remember that all the time . i have to sear it into my brain . it's insane , the power is insane.
Last Edit: by Deadhead2060.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 29 Oct 2009 13:00 #26210

  • 7yipol
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lamed vavnik wrote on 29 Oct 2009 06:34:

well, it's done .i lost it . i'm not grieving ,i'm actually relieved .i knew it would come after i expose myself to that stuff it always does.
one thing is clear .  i was fine b/f and now i'm not. it's bad for me . the stuff is poison . 100% poison. so powerful , it's unreal . it's distilling all of lust into a pill and giving it to you .it's not life . so overwhelming  . i can't ever have anything to do w/ it or i will never be able to live a normal life . how can you? you can't see anything normally anymore, no woman ,no wife , no relationship . it's mamash a drug , a straight out drug. a mental drug . i never saw the effect, the contrast in my life so clearly b/f. if i look at this stuff i can't be normal . i have to remember that all the time . i have to sear it into my brain . it's insane , the power is insane.

Print this  out and hide it somewhere safe.
And reread it whenever you feel the urge.
No ones words will ever touch you more than your own.

Day one!
Hashem is addicted to you! Feel His hugs!"Sheva yipol tzaddik VKUM"
Last Edit: by 4644471.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 29 Oct 2009 14:23 #26229

  • kedusha
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Dear Lamed,

Your experience should be a lesson for all of us: just as alcoholics must avoid that first sip, we need to avoid that first slip!

In your honor, I started a new thread to help us all avoid that dangerous first slip.

Just as an alcoholic needs to avoid that first sip, a lust addict needs to avoid that first slip.Slip today? No way! ;)Fall today? No way, Jose'!
Last Edit: 29 Oct 2009 20:25 by Scooby.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 01 Nov 2009 06:58 #26486

hi guys ,
i had a wonderful shabbos , and am feeling good i would like to make a mantra for myself that p88n is poison . and a drug and unreal . i want life .i want to be real . something klike that i hope to bore you all by repeat it as many times as i possibly can . : :
Last Edit: by Shimtzee.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 01 Nov 2009 13:58 #26493

  • imtrying25
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i hope to bore you all by repeat it as many times as i possibly can . 

Hey Lamid V. Your not boring us the least bit. Its what we need. To hear it over and over and over until it penetrates our thick skulls and minds and hearts and we come to the realization of how true your words are. Thats the whole yesod of mussar chazzarah chazzarah chazzarah.
Last Edit: by CR.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 02 Nov 2009 07:00 #26574

well here it goes again
p**n is poison
life is great
fantasy's a drug
i really hate.
choose reality every day
and happiness will come your way
  sorry ... a little forced but i 'm pressed for time .
P.S. don't talk to secretaries!
Last Edit: by Tex.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 03 Nov 2009 21:03 #26791

yes once again i say .
p**n is  a drug . it kills my  reality  . i;ll never be happy in normal life if i keep escaping to  it .  i'll never  be able to look at a woman as a person instead of a (potential ) sex object if i don't stay far away from it .  .it's unreal, it's insane .  i want to be happy with my life . no more escaping .
Last Edit: by Tov23.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 07 Nov 2009 20:33 #27228

it's getting harder for me to say it already , . i knew it would ,but not this soon .
porn is poison . it's fake . it's unreal , insanity . touch it and you can't look at your life,or your wife, the same way anymore , people arent people they're pontential fantasies. that's crazy . it takes your life away .so the answer is to fill yourself w/ life . to be happy to be alive . to appreciate just the gift of life and the gift of being a jew, being given torah . i feel better .
Last Edit: by ez26.

Re: life of a lamed vavnik 07 Nov 2009 22:04 #27237

  • the.guard
  • Current streak: 745 days
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Did you see I quoted your poem in Chizuk e-mail #623?

It gets harder and harder to feel what we want to believe, and the lust bubble gets bigger and bigger... and then when we give in (or even after being with the wife) - POP, all that's left is hot air, and we ask ourselves, "what was that huge bubble that has been bugging me for days"? Where is it? What was it? I don't understand. This is insanity.
Webmaster of www.guardyoureyes.org - Maintaining Moral Purity in Today's World. We’re here on a quest ; it’s really all a test. Just do your best and G-d will do the rest.
Last Edit: 07 Nov 2009 22:05 by Rt234.
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